Home Forums Pilot Reports Surprise Flyable Sunday – 11-22-2020

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  • #10795
    Ken Howells
    General Member

    Friday was supposed to be flyable with weak SW then several days of relentless, unflyable N wind. Friday it started cycling from the N while we were in the LZ parking lot. So much for a flight this weekend.
    The weather gods made up for it by making the N winds end early, so Sunday was flyable!

    I would have liked more airtime but I’m totally satisfied.

    Great conditions for hiking back up. GREAT seeing old old friends and unseen newer friends at the LZ.

    They were having good long flights from up high.

    Launch & Land 20201122 – S3 155 M750


    2020-11-22 13.29.23
    Sport 3 155 at the 750 launch.


    2020-11-22 13.29.14
    Peter Swanson was one of a number of PG’s who hiked up and flew from the 750.

    Mark Hoffmann
    General Member

    Nice 750ying Ken!!

    Peter Who ?Β  :) hahah welcome back Peter!


    Same for Soboba, which was good these last 2 days.

    Got over 2 hours Sunday, and up to 5k, could hear the radio chatter from Marshall.

    Today (Monday)Β  got over 2.5 hours and up to 4500′.


    I was soooo happy to get a flight in on Sunday! 😍 I needed that badly. Over an hour of flying and up to 6,200ft. ☺️ It wasn’t even that cold up there. I had thermals on, which helped, but I was glad I didn’t need gloves. Too bad my GoPro kept turning itself off. πŸ‘Ž Crestline launch and sky was so busy, it would have been fun footage of everyone there. Thanks for the webcam shot, David! πŸ™πŸ˜Ž


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