Home Forums Events & Projects Thanks For The Grading, Bob!

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    Ken Howells
    General Member

    I hear it was Bob, owner & resident of the property to the west of the XC Ranch, who used his time and his tractor to grade the regular (lower) entrance road to AJX last Friday.

    That’s a lot of work.

    Thanks Bob!


    Last month , (on the Thread (Board of Directors Nominations)) I posted a suggestion below ; because the club was about to burn a bunch of money renting a tractor. Did someone actually go ask ; or was it just luck that Bob graded the road ?



    February 24, 2024 at 8:34 PM#19669

    Bille FloydGeneral Member
    Linda said :

    The alternate road in is appx 2/10ths mile longer drive to get in. …

    my response :
    It may be possible to pay the gentleman just above and to the North-Northwest of the ranch- house , to grade the Ajax entrance ; it might be cheaper than renting a tractor for a weekend.

    Why would I suggest that your neighbor may be OK with fixing the road for a nominal fee ? Because He did it for free last September ; then asked me , and a few others , what we thought of his work. I got the impression that he was a very Nice guy !!



    Yes, Bob was kind enough to help us out. Gracie needs repair and we had to wait for the heavy rains to stop before renting a tractor. Grading the road before that would have washed away any progress.

    In the meantime, pilots were using the neighbor’s fixed back road to get into AJX. Unfortunately one or two drivers didn’t respect the speed limit, which can cause damage to the fixed road, and this rightfully upset Bob.

    The last thing we want to do is upset our neighbors, so Owen and Luke (? I believe) approached Bob about helping us fix our road in exchange for whatever compensation seemed fair. Bob turned down any payment from us and fixed the road on Friday last week.

    We are extremely grateful to Bob for helping us out! I was told he’s a fan of Coors Light, if any of you would like to thank him personally. 😉

    I’m glad this was resolved. Hopefully their road won’t be as busy and our pilots can get to AJX using the road they’re used to. We get more time to fix Gracie, or raise funds to buy a new tractor so that we can continue to keep our own roads graded.


    Jana said :

    We are extremely grateful to Bob for helping us out! I was told he’s a fan of Coors Light, if any of you would like to thank him personally. 😉

    I had mentioned  about that being a good idea ; last month.





    Bille, please read my reply one more time. Hopefully you’ll see the answer you’re looking for.


    @ Jana :

    Yes — I did not read your full post ; before reacting . Sorry !!


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