Home Forums Pilot Reports Thursday, January 21 2021

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  • #11082

    I got a ride up with Darren and launched my PG from Marshall around 1:30pm. Flew for 3 h 20 min and reached cloudbase at 7500′. I went 4 times back to Crestline, and also visited Pine 3 times.

    Way better than expected !  Big turnout of pilots also.  :-)

    View of Lake Silverwood, from Marshall…IMG_1631

    Cloudbase over Pine…IMG_1658

    Returning from Pine, looking at Marshall and LZ…IMG_1666


    David Webb
    General Member

    Also had a great afternoon. Launched just before Jérôme and got in a 3h 35m flight up to 6800’.

    Made my first ever trip to Pine, plus a couple trips back to CL and a low save just above the 750.

    Air felt like a fruit salad of both ratty funky stuff and really nice smooth strong climbs.

    The Mighty Jérôme leaving Pine behind:


    Jonathan Dietch
    General Member

    Nice photos gentlemen! I enjoyed those. I had a subdued flight–recorded and narrated live for all the grounded pilots who may happen to watch.

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