Home Forums Pilot Reports Thursday Oct 19 2023 – Good but Different

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    There was a narrow  window for maximizing altitude. Launching from Crestline around 1:30 pm helped Ladi reach 11 k, and later landed in Yucaipa. With that much altitude, maybe a single glide sufficed.

    I launched Crestline around 2:15 pm, and reached 7200′. Tagged Arrowhead, return to Crestline, then Pine and Crestline before heading for the LZ  and landing 3 hours later.

    A good turnout of pilots for a weekday, who perfected the art of good excuses at work.

    Thanks to Ana, for this one of me & David over Crestline…20231019_Crestline_Jerome_and_David

    Mario Miralles
    General Member

    My first XC attempt on my new Laminar 12.6! I launched at 1:22 and quickly climbed out with a gaggle of PGs. Easy going to Keller and then Yucaipa where I saw the last PG. Climbed back up from the front ridge to Galena which I’ve tagged a number of times and then tagged San Gorgonio for the first time!! A long easy glide back to Crestline and AJX from 13K. I was happy to see so many “sick” pilots on a weekday at AJX . IMG_2293IMG_2778

    Jonathan Dietch
    General Member
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