Home Forums Pilot Reports Tuesday, August 15 2023 – Pine, Pine, Pine, Pine…


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  • #18745
    David Webb
    General Member

    Refreshing change of forecast for yesterday, with better-than-expected conditions for those that got up-and-out.

    Launched Marshall and shortly after got a great climb up over the valley behind to 7500′. Allowed me to pick and choose wherever I wanted to go after that. Many enjoyed bouncing back and forth from Pine multiple times, and lots of smooth strong climbs to be had. Got a bi-wingual high-five from Jonathan over Billboard. Great way to spend 2.5 hours in the middle of the work week.

    To the northeast (looked like Apple Valley or Lucerne Valley area), some of us watched a nice-sized rain storm and an impressive gust front spilling out from that. Cool to watch from a very safe distance. Couple of other rain storms out to the west and east, but they seemed to fizzle out as the day went on.

    As advertised, it was a billion degrees in the shade before heading up the mountain, but temps were very comfy t-shirt flying weather after getting up.

    Track log of some of us – if you flew yesterday and want to be added, send your IGC my way and I’ll update the track.

    Jonathan Dietch
    General Member

    Yesterday’s track and sunset. It was a good afternoon.
    2023-08-15 Crestline RX2 Clouds a



    Congrats to Tim on his first-ever PG trip from Marshall to Crestline (and Pine).

    It was a fun afternoon, with refreshing temperatures at altitude.

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