Home Forums Events & Projects Work Party Saturday, June 6th at The Pond

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  • #8909

    hello css friends, i could use your help.

    i have a number of projects that are just too big for me to do alone.  most of these projects involve shoveling dirt, and clearing brush.  if you could bring a shovel and some gloves that would be amazing.

    starting at 9am and continuing until the work is done.  i’m hoping for a dozen (or more) volunteers to help at any time throughout the day.  if you have an hour or two to lend a hand, i would be very grateful.

    pizza at noon, then again at 6pm

    thank you in advance.


    David Webb
    General Member

    Topic “stickied” for add visibility.  👍


    thank you david,

    it takes a village.


    So cool to see that video, thanks for sharing Owen! I’d love to come help, need to do some rearranging on the calendar.

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