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  • in reply to: Stolen Gliders? Strange Witchcraft Ritual? #21246

    The creepy head/mask on this glider is what I was calling Witchcraft. Crazy Halloween party?


    in reply to: Stolen Gliders? Strange Witchcraft Ritual? #21245

    This is the location that they were found:

    Click the link for Google Map Pin

    in reply to: Stolen Gliders? Strange Witchcraft Ritual? #21244


    in reply to: Stolen Gliders? Strange Witchcraft Ritual? #21243


    in reply to: Stolen Gliders? Strange Witchcraft Ritual? #21242

    More Pics


    in reply to: Wanted: Rent or Buy Falcon 3 or Falcon 4 Shortpack #21238

    Mario, its more about logistics… where to pick one up and where to be able to drop it off before flying home.

    in reply to: Short Pack Hang Glider from Switzerland #21229

    Eric, you got contact info for this guy?  This weekend might still be blowing down.

    in reply to: Can Gene & Nicole Use AJX LZ Now That It Is Nov. 1, 2024? #21224


    The letter was addressed to Gene, it wasn’t addressed to the entire club so its not a club issue.  I would think you’d be one of the first people to stand up for someone else’s right to privacy.  The circumstances for the disciplinary action were a club issue, they were discussed ad nauseam, and there was Club Meeting that addressed the ban which you did not attend.

    Also, I’m pretty sure you don’t understand what ‘Pleading the 5th’ actually means or you’d understand that it does not apply here.

    in reply to: Can Gene & Nicole Use AJX LZ Now That It Is Nov. 1, 2024? #21221

    Sorry, No.  The date is in December but we aren’t going to get into that on the forum.

    From the beginning the BOD has tried to maintain privacy for everyone involved.  The letters that were provided to the parties involved contained the inclusive dates.

    Disciplinary actions by the BOD have been very rare in the club’s history, but every member has the right to a reasonable degree of privacy in the administration of these incidents.  So that is why the letters to the parties involved were not made public and also why we are not discussing details on forum posts.  For anyone that is curious or has a need to know, please email the CSS BOD directley.

    I’m going to ask the Website Administrator to delete this thread.

    in reply to: Friendly reminder: TFR still in effect for Line Fire #21173


    The Bridge Fire is also basically out, 99% contained as of 21 OCT.  The closure maps are a little more tricky because most of the Bridge Fire occurred in Los Angeles County and only partially in San Bernardino County.  The original SB National Forest closure map went across the 15 and past Mt Baldy (the SB/LA County border).  Right now I can’t find any current closure map related to the Bridge Fire.

    In any case, the reason we are respecting the NFS closure order is due to the risk of pilots landing out within the current closure area by flying to the east, worst case having an incident that requires rescue.  Its not an airspace issue, its preventing the possibility that first responder resources being directed at a rescue within the closure area, and that would put a very negative light on our activity.  This would be the same for Mountain Bikers, Hikers, Climbers, UTV Drivers, anyone… and there is a pretty hefty personal fine involved too.  We aren’t going to put the Club’s positive relationship with the NFS at risk (or CALFIRE, SBPD, Sheriff)

    in reply to: LAUNCHES OPEN for Site Flying WEST of Hwy 18 #21172

    ** Jerome, thanks for the update and links.  All of this data is current and valid. **

    The NFS closure is still in effect and remains unchanged.  We will continue to respect that closure and not fly east of HWY 18.

    This was not a decision of any individuals, and it is presented as an order because it IS an ORDER from a federal agency.  If anyone is doubtful about that they can review the document again: (the word ORDER is right in the title)

    The CSS BOD did not impose a restriction, the NFS Order did that.  Our launches are on NFS land and we will respect that organization’s efforts to handle forest fire management.  If you disagree with NFS orders then you are free to contact that agency and voice your concerns.  If you disagree with the disparity between posted FAA TFRs and NFS closure maps you are also free to voice your concerns with those agencies respectively.  If you feel your rights to go fly and have fun have been violated during a time of emergency, go hire an attorney and file a suit against the NFS and the FAA (good luck with that).

    Meanwhile, CSS members are still able to utilize launches, fly (with minor limitations), and train at the AJX LZ… all while respecting the agencies that are trying to protect our natural resources, private property, and human lives.

    As soon as the NFS modifies the closure map or rescinds the order we will update the membership.  I actually expect this to happen toward the end of the month.


    And Yes, we are still getting water from the Pond. That is the only source of water for the irrigation system. There have been supply problems that have prevented the Pond to be able to fill up fast enough or recover from each irrigation cycle. We are doing our best to solve those issues.



    Yes, I understand we were all talking about just the PG corner. I’m sorry that I didn’t make that clear. My points are still the same… it’s still very expensive, even for just a small area. To be safe it needs to be installed correctly, not just draped over the surface like  it is in the breakdown area. Also, it will need gopher ‘armor’, which is wire mesh under the surface to prevent them from digging up through the surface.
    I agree with Jerome, it would be awesome to do it over the edge as well. All of this will take some heavy machine work but it can be done. It will be expensive, but we can save costs by purchasing used athletic turf.


    Mark, we’ve been over this multiple times. Artificial turf is very expensive, slippery when damp, and if not installed correctly becomes a the same trip hazard or missile hazard in the winds as carpet.
    The grass was doing fine until we hit temps over 100 degrees and that was a month before we started experiencing water shortages. It happens every year, our LZ is in the high desert! The weed treatments did not cause this, during the entire spring we had a mostly weed free LZ.
    I will offer this alternative for the PGs, I think it will work… We could permanently Astro Turf the PG corner of the LZ. Yes, it will be expensive… BUT… it would allow us to reduce the foot print of sprinklers that would save water for the rest of the LZ. It would give the PG kiting area a ‘clean’ lay down area year round. The cons are, it’s expensive and the PGs would have to accept the risk that it becomes a thermal trigger in the warmer months. Just a possibility. I also think we should permanently Astro turf the first 20 ft around the entire Pavilion. It’s a high traffic area and we would again be able to reduce the footprint of sprinklers plus I wouldn’t have to get too close with the lawnmower while people might be seated inside.


    I’m with Jana on this one, the risks are too high for flying debris when the rainy season is just around the corner.

    For future reference, if anyone has requests like this please email them to the BOD.  Our email addresses are all listed on this website, and many club members have our phone numbers as well.