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Mitch : ” The Covid hoax was based on a projection of 3.5% infected fatality rate”.


Bille Floyd here — And i could really care less about “ALL” that sh!t ; what

i know, is that fricken Lil bug , (it almost took me Out) like

preeminently, as in Dead . You believe anything Ya want ; that

corona bug , is fricken Dangerous !!!


The % rate for Death , per number infected, here in Las  Vegas

has bin holding at 2.07 % average, since the middle of

last month ; doing the math that’s 40% off the mark of 3.5 % projected

but still , “Quite”  high. Here , do the math for the 30’th of Sept :

Infected : 67176 , dead : 1391 = 2.07 % death rate.

What is the death rate for the Flue ? Answer : about 23  X , Less !
