Home Forums Events & Projects Board Meeting – July 16 – Questions to be Read Reply To: Board Meeting – July 16 – Questions to be Read

Jerome Daoust
General Member

Linda (ref): What’s the deal with overnight parking?

Linda (ref) + Jana (ref): Shade structure completion status? More funding needed?

Linda (ref): Any upcoming events?

Linda (ref): Can we update the links on  this website, to the multiple LZ webcams?

Linda (ref) + Zac (ref): Will we start accepting ratings from the AUA (American Ultralight Association)?

Linda (ref): How can the club collect fees for overnight parking and showers?

Linda (ref): More details on the proposed camping layout (sketch)?

Jana (ref, ref 2): How to ensure board members avoid conflicts of interest, when also serving AUA or USHPA?

Jana (ref): Since they are not an insurance provider, what significant benefits would AUA offer the club?

Jerome: Would accepting AUA ratings for pilots, instructors  and tandems, lower the safety standards at the site and strain our relationship with USHPA?

Jana (ref, ref 2), summarized: Hypothetical scenario (unrelated to father Peter)… If the club votes to accept AUA ratings (in addition to USHPA’s), and an instructor or pilot loses his USHPA rating, but a previous/current member of AUA, will he be allowed to teach or fly at AJX? If not already an AUA member, can he join now and continue to teach or fly? How to protect the club from an instructor or pilot judged unfit by USHPA?

Jerome (ref): Does the AUA have worldwide recognition? To but it bluntly, its website and single 3-page SOP for ratings and training seems like a one day effort. Is this a shell association collecting people disgruntled with USHPA?

Jerome (ref): What is the number of pilots/instructors in the AUA, but without an USHPA rating, that want to fly/teach at AJX? Is the club’s expected extra income worth their addition? Those pilots could try to get an IPPI rating, and then be allowed through that existing recognized equivalency.

Jerome: CSS has a list of approved instructors/schools. Excluding myself (not actively teaching at the site)… Will accepting more tandem pilots and instructors from AUA be disrespectful to the currently qualified instructors/schools, who will also see their business diluted among a larger pool of tandem and instructors? Also, facilitating visiting instructors (mostly operating elsewhere) and students can leave our site damaged without suffering the same consequences as if they mostly operated here.