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  • #19419
    Len Szafaryn
    General Member

    Good morning, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.

    Years ago Andy Jackson’s generosity provided us all with the foundation that allowed a fringe group of like minded individuals to pursue a beloved lifetime activity which we still are privileged to enjoy on  this Christmas day 44 years later.

    Much has changed in the free flying community since.  Much remains the same.   Site ownership still remains the critical concern for all.

    To that end, the entire ranch property will be donated debt free and become:


    The entire document is visible at :


    Articles 3 and 5 are probably of the most interest to CSS members.
    Bylaws of Len Szafaryn Free Flight Conservancy
    A California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation

    Section 3.1 General Purpose
    The Corporation is a nonprofit public benefit corporation and is not organized for the private gain
    of any person. It is organized under the Nonprofit Corporation Law of California (“California
    Nonprofit Corporation Law”) for public and charitable purposes.
    Section 3.2 Specific Purpose
    The specific purpose of the Corporation shall include without limitation, to preserve, support and
    promote the sports of paragliding and hang gliding.
    Section 3.3 Founding Philosophy
    The Corporation was specifically set up as a nonprofit public benefit corporation in order to
    protect the land use and ownership. Other options were considered that offered both advantages
    and disadvantages. While some of these options reduce the likelihood of the Corporation being a
    target of a legal challenge, at the end of the day the ownership of the land has to reside with the
    flying community under the guidance of the board of directors.
    Protecting against liability claims will always be on the forefront of the Corporation’s concerns.
    The Board will keep this concern always at the forefront of any decisions involving the land use.
    Revenues from related activities will not be required to support the Corporation’s expenses so any
    activities that may lead to increased risk or uninsurable activities shall be avoided.
    In the years to come we envision a beautiful Crestline Soaring Society landing field with a
    welcoming atmosphere. Pilots in the landing zone will be able to look north at incoming wings on
    approach against a beautiful background of the conserved land, unencumbered by development.
    The Corporation shall, in accordance with its Specific Purpose and in priority order:
    (1) Protect and beautify the property under its stewardship in perpetuity;
    (2) Support the Crestline Soaring Society; and,
    (3) Support the national free flying communities.

    Section 5.1 Property Dedicated to Nonprofit Purposes
    The property of the Corporation is irrevocably dedicated to public and charitable purposes. No
    part of the net income or assets of the Corporation shall ever inure to the benefit of any of its
    Directors or Officers, or to the benefit of any private person, except that the Corporation is
    authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make
    payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article 3 hereof.
    Section 5.2 Distribution of Assets Upon Dissolution
    Upon the dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, its assets remaining after payment, or
    provision for payment, of all debts and liabilities of the Corporation shall be distributed to a
    nonprofit fund, foundation, or corporation which is organized and operated exclusively for public
    and charitable purposes and which has established its tax exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of
    the Code.
    I’ve chosen the board of directors based on their proven abilities to lead and care for our flying site –  individuals who’s past actions and deeds give me great confidence in the conservancy’s future.

    Owen Morse – President
    Rob McKenzie – Vice President
    Alan Crouse – Secretary
    Greg Hunter – Treasurer
    Jana Pivkova – Director

    Thank you to these five for the pledge of their future time and effort.

    Also thanks to the current CSS Board of Directors for their hard work and leadership.

    Moving ahead I look forward to the entire CSS community coming together as a team and family to support our wonderful flying site.

    Here’s to a healthy and prosperous ’24 filled with lots of high altitudes and big distances!


    Jonathan Dietch
    General Member


    Please grant my request for access to the full document so I can know the full terms of your generosity.


    Jonathan Dietch

    AKA Vicarious Icarus


    Crestline and Sylmar are the bedrock of our sport and we need to pull together TO GETHER in order for it to keep working. We need to follow rules though most of us are not followers of Rules. I don’t know where I’m going with this other than in the public eye we need to be on point, professional and friendly


    Ken Howells
    General Member

    Yes,Virginia, the IS a Szanta Claus!

    Can’t wait to see the full details.

    Mario Miralles
    General Member


    What an incredible gift to our sport. Endless thanks!!! Best Christmas gift ever and such a wonderful group of people who have chosen to insure that this gift keeps giving.

    With much gratitude,


    Thank you Len. This gift is the greatest act of generosity and benevolence I have seen in my 50 years in the sport. Its scope and impact on the future security of the Andy Jackson Airpark is breathtaking.

    Humbly, I thank you for your faith in the current, and the many future board members of the Len Szafaryn Free Flight Conservancy to protect the Andy Jackson Airpark in perpetuity.

    Rob McKenzie



    Thank you Len for this unbelievable act of generosity. Your action has secured the future of this beautiful site for many generations of pilots to come. Most humbled and grateful


    Wow,  It is an honor to be one of the first on this thread to thank you (and Owen for his contributions as well) to this most generous gift.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    Thank you, Thank you and Thank You, Alan


    What a Christmas. Long live the Len Szafaryn Free Flight Conservancy, and the CSS. The entire sport owes a debt of Gratitude; may that spirit guide the future.

    Linda Salamone
    General Member

    What an awesome gift to our flying community 🥰

    merry Christmas 🎄

    Dale Marsden
    General Member

    This is absolutely wonderful. Len, I’m a newbie to the sport, just two years. I am so grateful for you generosity and legacy consideration. What joy!!


    Dale Marsden


    Fantastic news! Thank you so much. We are looking forward to the future!

    John Wright
    General Member

    Thank you, Len!

    The legacy of your generosity will help many soar who might not have, otherwise.


    Very impressive Len !  This will go a long way towards securing and embellishing the LZ area.

    Tim Ward
    General Member

    Thank you, Len.


    I’m afraid I didn’t get you anything, though.

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