Home Forums Pilot Reports 7/16/22 Meeting Observations

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    Linda Salamone
    General Member

    I’m certain very detailed and accurate meeting minutes are forthcoming. In the meantime, here are some highlights:


    The treasurer passed out a financial report that did not include any expenses or donations for shade structure.

    $60 was shown to have been collected in total for all camping during this quarter. “Donations” for camping were funneled to shade structure fund at the request of board members. Treasurer states “it all comes out in the wash and all money is  pooled” for WHATEVER THEY ALONE DECIDE.

    Basically CSS camping money is going to the shade structure and the added burden of garbage, electricity, toilets, Gracie, gas to move fill dirt,  and site maintenance is just a CSS expense.

    Camping fees were discussed and the board said $15/night, $75/week for absolutely NOTHING but port-a-potties. The membership suggested that cost was ridiculous and the board did comparisons with full hookup RV/camping park with amenities and said it was a bargain to just park for less than $40 a night. President stated it was the Cross Country Ranch owners problem that campers think the shower on his property is part of the deal. And now that it is revealed that the camping fees are really the VPs shade structure SLUSH FUND, it all makes sense. Campers can, and are, just boondocking around the corner to avoid this obvious misappropriation of overcharged funds.

    Site Monitor was discussed- yes we need one, no we won’t pay one, the prez DURING THE MEETING says one won’t be compensated, even with free “camping”, the prez says something opposite immediately AFTER THE MEETING. Currently no site monitor.

    Some of the volunteers who busted their ass on the shade structure were thanked but they still remember being chewed out for trying to make sense out of the fucked up lack of actual engineering and the shortfall of the curved roof measurements by the “designer”.

    Prez declares unequivocally that a pilot member or instructor that loses USHPA ratings , cannot fly or instruct at CSS with solely an AUA membership and the BOD as a whole is NOT PURSUING AUA as an alternative to USHPA ratings system.

    When asked if CSS is charging anything for the dumping of truckloads of fill dirt, vice prez got antsy and aggressive instead of answering the question, asked why the question was being asked. Another local member got agro about the question being raised during, and even a few days after, the meeting. Prez declared NO MONEY was being exchanged for dirt and dirt has no contaminants (clean fill).

    Prez states both landowners know about, and are “extremely pleased” with the site management including the dumping of the fill dirt to increase onsite camping.

    Feel free to add your own observations….


    Not seeing the meeting minutes yet under the normal holding place, but this is likely delayed due to the search for a new webmaster. If they are already redacted, minutes could be posted here in the meantime.

    For those wondering as I did, about the state of the grass in the LZ, I asked during the meeting and Tim Ward said (summarizing and going on memory):  “Waiting to reconnect the water lines, for the shade structure’s new concrete slab to be finished, to avoid doing significant/temporary work“. Sounds reasonable, and thanks to all those working on this.

    Another point was reinforced: As tempting as it may be, do not land on top of the shade structure, it is not designed for that. Should we paint “DON’T DO  IT” on the roof?

    Linda Salamone
    General Member

    Posting meeting minutes doesn’t require anything but using the forum. Like I did. I wait with ‘bated breath…..


    Linda said :

    “Camping fees were discussed and the board said $15/night, $75/week for absolutely NOTHING but port-a-potties. The membership suggested that cost was ridiculous and

    the board did comparisons with full hookup RV/camping park with amenities and said it was a bargain to just park for less than $40 a night. …”




    Somebody is full of $H!T !!!

    Google search , camping fees for disabled Veterans in California state parks :

    “The State of California offers special benefits for its military service members and veterans, including the Distinguished Veteran Pass, a no-fee lifetime pass that entitles users to the use of all basic facilities – including day use, boating and camping – in California state parks at no charge.”

    And that comes with showers , and cooking grills !!

    It is the reason I joined CSS ; so I can use the port-a-potties, running water, and grills, along with landing my glider on the CSS rented property.

    BTW : I am a Disabled Vet


    Jai Pal Khalsa
    General Member

    Meeting minutes are posted by the Board. Anything else is unofficial, especially with biased editorial commentary. What Linda has posted is unofficial and unverified, complete with thoughts, feelings, emotions, angry distorted commentary, falsehoods, untruths and accusatory mean spirited F-bombs.  Rewards for selfless jobs well done in the spirit of service to the flying community.  Bravo.


    @ Jai

    Not to start a fight ; I’d like to know what the board decided , what the amount for camping fees is ? It kinda affects Me . There are 2 State campgrounds within a 20 minute drive, that I can attend for free so if  camping at CSS is more than $ 8 to $ 10 then I will say your being unreasonable and ya won’t get a dime from me.


    Jai Pal Khalsa
    General Member


    good evening.  The board decided to charge $15 a night or $75 per week for overnight parking at Andy Jackson Airpark for CSS Members. I hope that helps.
    if you have information regarding alternate camping at state parks nearby please post so others can benefit when the need arises.  Thank you.  Best regards.

    PS – your quote from Linda above is false. The Board never did an investigation as described. She made it up. Sorry for her misinformation. Your access to free camping for Veterans at State parks is really great. The Board never discussed that accommodation but should. Thanks again.


    Jai said :

    Your access to free camping for Veterans at State parks is really great. The Board never discussed that accommodation but should. Thanks again.

    I want to support CSS , (it’s a Great club) ; as a Vet, it would be Great if you gave me a 25 to 30% discount !! Maybe add 2% to the fee , because I’m also disabled ! LOL


    Thanks : Bille


    Linda Salamone
    General Member

    Anyone can watch the video recording of the entire meeting and Jai Pal, who likes to rewrite history or simply delete his past lies, misdirections, and misogyny, can’t actually delete the video that is on my Facebook account.


    Linda’s video recording of the meeting may require (ref) to be on Facebook. I was there and don’t need to relive this fun event, but it likely can be shared publicly (public event and made obvious that at least one camera was recording). YouTube or Vimeo could be good choices, or I offer to temporarily host a video/audio file if needed.

    It can provide a reference (one can point to a specific time in the video) until the official meeting minutes are posted, as well as validate the posted minutes if needed.

    But of course, it is more fun to go by fading memories (not referring to anyone in particular) and argue.


    Rumors and fading memories! The best part of rumors is that anyone can start one. Make it just juicy enough and someone will believe it. If you don’t like it, you can start a whole new one. Be sure to stick to rule # 1 (make it juicy).

    The problem is, two weeks after you start it, you’ve forgotten the real content or why the heck you went there in the first place?

    Fly Safe!


    Jeff said :

    The problem is, two weeks after you start it, you’ve forgotten the real content or why the heck you went there in the first place?


    If your talking about Linda ; she is Not stupid.

    Some of you that think Linda is to be taken for a Fool ; ya might wanna

    rethink your strategy .

    Just saying … …




    Hi Bille. Seems like Jeff was making generalistic humor (ref) in continuation of the last sentence from my post above his, not aimed at anyone in particular, but using “you” to represent anyone. And I clarified my post to state that I wasn’t referring to anyone’s fading memory in particular, just the nature of memory itself.

    We all have to be careful when relying on our memories, as studies showed humans adjust memories for personal comfort or to align with a social group.


    Jerome said :

    We all have to be careful when relying on our memories, as studies showed humans adjust memories for personal comfort or to align with a social group.


    Jerome is correct !

    I view it like a bit of a spin-off from functional fixedness ; as it relates to a cognitive bias in problem solving .




    The July 16 board meeting minutes have been posted here.

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