Home Forums Safety Launch Looked Good – But was NOT

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    Great conditions again yesterday (Wednesday April 20, 2022) at Soboba, where I got over 3 hours and chasing clouds at 5500′. I thought I had a good launch (<– link to video), only to realize soon after that something was wrong and was able to resolve it in flight after gaining altitude and flying out for ground clearance. Can you spot the mistake?

    To help spot the difference with a proper launch configuration, this was me doing things correctly on 2022/4/10 (<– link to video) on the same launch.

    Sharing for the purpose of creating a visual reminder.

    Alex Cheng
    General Member

    I dunno, but I can’t see the speed bar in the video.


    You got it Alex.

    My speedbar was flipped over the top of the seat, and with leg straps threaded through the first step/loop. In flight, after gaining altitude and moving forward for smoother conditions and terrain clearance, I detached and re-attached (one at a time) leg straps and chest strap (center buckle key has a strap connected to left leg strap) to release the speed bar.

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