Home Forums Pilot Reports Sunday, Dec 18 2022 – Different, cold and good.

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    Around 1 pm two shuttle of pilots arrived at Crestline. A prime location for HG and most PG intended to also use the launch. Stephen’s tandem from CL. A few of us preferred to extend our drive to Marshall, and were later joined by more PG pilots who felt the wind had increased too much  at Crestline.CL_Wind_2022_12_18

    At Marshall, the wind was light-moderate for launching a PG. I launched at 1:35 pm  and found the air in the house thermal location to be more turbulent than usual, likely because the wind had an East component while the sun was hitting the West facing slopes.

    After reaching 5400′ I glided to Crestline and arrived at the same height thanks to thermals along the way. Getting to Pine was easy using the East wind component. Got  up to 6400′ and returned to Crestline ridge. Towards the end of my flight (2 hr 48 min) I went forward to Cloud and climbed up again to over 6 k. Landed shy of sunset.

    Cold and different conditions than usual with the East wind component, but satisfying given the forecast’s low expectations.


    Brian Richey
    General Member

    Launched Regionals around 2:30. Good lift at cloud peak. Benched back to Billboards and headed E down the ridge to Strawberry Peak. Tom was following and turned just before Strawberry. Flew back to Crestline launch and top landed in strong wind. Relaunched and flew over to Marshall for a final top landing. Relaunched just after sunset.

    Brian Richey
    General Member


    Brian Richey
    General Member



    I noticed Tom making a nice low save at the base of Billboard before joining Brian (easy to spot with his high-vis harness tail) towards Strawberry.

    Congratulations to John and Dylan, having their first-ever PG flight from Regionals. Seeing new pilots express their 1st flight joy is contagious.

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