Home Forums Trips, Clinics, & SIVs USHPA + IPPI When Travelling Abroad

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    David Webb
    General Member

    A quick note about IPPI, for those that might be travelling abroad. If you try to search for stuff about getting an IPPI card from USHPA, the links to those pages no longer work, but that seems to be because that information is now included on the USHPA membership cards. Looks like this change took place last month (June), so is fairly recent.

    If you don’t plan on getting a new rating any time soon (since you get a new card with the application fee anyway), you can either print your membership card from the USHPA site or order a new plastic replacement card, and that has a small FAI IPPI emblem in the bottom right with your IPPI rating.


    I reported the broken link a week or so ago, and the conversion table is now available here. It is mostly of interest for pilots visiting from elsewhere, since (as David mentioned) USHPA members with a rating automatically also have an IPPI rating.

    David Webb
    General Member

    I threw away $5 so the rest of you don’t have to.

    After asking USHPA about it, I ordered a new USHPA card, expecting the IPPI information to be included on it. It ain’t. The paper/printable version you can see when you’re logged into your account on their site includes it, but the plastic cards apparently still don’t.

    Inexpensive inconvenience, but somewhere out there, there are a couple of tacos that I never got to eat.

    Edit: they’re now saying I “got sent an old card by accident,” and that they’ll send me a new one in the next batch of new cards, so possible that this will be corrected in the near future. In any case, would be a good idea to check to make sure before paying for a new card.

    David Webb
    General Member

    Update: after 2 months, this was finally resolved (tons of printer/mail/whatever else mixups). Just my opinion, but the new cards are quite a disappointment. They do include the IPPI information, but they are now paper and also include an expiration on the front (matching your renewal date). They still sent the plastic keyring cards, so that doesn’t seem to jive with the “cost savings” argument, but I dunno.

    No reason to waste money on ordering one – printing it out yourself will give you the same result.

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