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    David Webb
    General Member

    San Diego group posted this video about the different weather models. Worth a watch.

    Alan Crouse
    General Member

    As info, the Windgrams and RASP data use NAM data for initialization and a specialized version of the WRF model (WRF plus secret sauce from Dr Jack) to reduce the grid.  The “North” and “South” RASP models are 1.5km grids.

    – Alan

    Alan Crouse
    General Member

    Major Upgrade to the RASP model viewer.

    As some of you may know, GoogleMaps shifted to a paid service about a year ago.  More recently they required a version upgrade.  If you’ve been trying to use the RASP maps it’s been pretty ugly with a “development purposes only” banner.

    These hot days have been good for one thing, I’ve implemented Darren’s OpenStreetMap replacement viewer.  The model underneath hasn’t changed, but it’s free of any reliance on GoogleMaps.





    Nice work Alan.  :-)

    Can the launch locations (map pins) be visible by default? At the moment, we can see them by enabling the “Sounding/SkewT” option through the layer icon in the upper right.

    Alan Crouse
    General Member


    This request has been implemented :-)



    Awesome Alan.

    Is it possible for the map’s zoom level not to reset (zoom out to a default) when we switch days?

    Alan Crouse
    General Member

    Ok.  it will now keep the zoom and not re-center when going between days of the same model.

    – Alan


    Is there anything you can’t do?  ;-)

    Thank you Alan !

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