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    David Webb
    General Member

    There is a link to the windgrams under each windgram (the “view all” link).

    Alex Cheng
    General Member

    Hi, I like that the graph displays an offline message when the data is not current. Is there a way to keep the data on the graph even when the station is offline?

    David Webb
    General Member

    The data will still show if there is any data for that day. Example: data streams in for 3 hours, and then the station goes offline for 2 hours; the offline message will show in addition to those 3 hours of data (plus the forecast data). Issue right now is that CRS and AJX have not been sending their data at all (working on getting that corrected).

    Tim Ward
    General Member

    I’d keep it the same.  The additional resolution in direction makes seeing trends easier for me.

    David Webb
    General Member

    Beginnings of this are now up on both the main weather dashboard and the webcams pages:

    There is a link under each webcam image that will pop up an animated GIF with the last 15 minutes on loop (roughly 1 frame per minute, as long as we have every image in the last 15 minutes). The script will look at all of the most recent images for the current day. You will get an animation as long as the following are true:

    1. There are at least 15 webcam images for the current day
    2. The oldest one of the last 15 images isn’t more than an hour old (so you’ll still get something even if there are big gaps in the last several images)

    I will be looking into other image compression methods to get the file size down, which will allow going farther back (since your example says 2 hours).


    Nice work David.

    It loads up quick and plays rather smoothly. Leaves me wanting more than 15 min.

    David Webb
    General Member

    Excellent! It’s easy to get decent load times when we’re at home on our computers, but since 15 minute loops are coming in at around a couple of MBs at a somewhat low resolution (you’ll notice I dropped the size as well), it’s likely to take several seconds if you’re at the LZ on your phone. All depends on your connection speed, but it’s a start!

    Tom Swanson
    General Member
    David Webb
    General Member

    Not sure what the ask is here, but we are incorporating that exact data into the weather station graphs already (all of the thicker lines on the graph that show the future are NOAA NWS forecasts from that exact site. Same goes for the forecast graphs on the right side (under the windgrams). Let me know if you had something specific in mind.

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