Forum Replies Created
December 17, 2023 at 9:11 AM in reply to: “Rock & Rake” Volunteer Event, December 16th & 17th, 2023 #19379
FYI… Today is Sunday 17 DEC, and we are cancelling the work on site today. Its way too windy to throw grass seed (gusting 25 North at the LZ). Also, our seed thrower rental delivery was delayed and won’t arrive until Monday anyway.
The last thing lest is to throw the seed and then drive the roller over it. We only need a handful of people to help, just to move cones on the LZ for lay lines. All that’s left is pretty easy, just driving the Gator and UTV… then we sit back and watch the grass grow.
The BOD has considered this issue in the past and discussed it again due to events that have occurred in the past 2 years. I think anyone would agree that it makes complete sense to have that separation of function. Unfortunately, however, there is a limited of pool of dedicated pilots who are willing to volunteer their time to both the work of the BOD and the physical work that the site requires to be maintained. The policy in the past has not been to restrict BOD candidacy to those who operate flight instruction or other services, because of people like Rob Mackenzie who have been critical assets to both the club and the sport in their roles as club founders, BOD members, and Instructors for many, many years.
As of now the BOD feels that changing this precedent would not necessarily be beneficial and could potentially sow more discontent in the membership. The Club’s By-Laws already have rules & policy in-place regarding negative behaviors by any general member or even BOD positions, rules that no one has taken any pleasure in exercising recently .
Also, noteworthy, the previous BOD attempted a last minute Ballot Measure near the very of their term in early 2023, an initiative that would have been very detrimental to the club if successful, which is a major contributing factor to why the current BOD was elected to the current term in the first place. We feel that it would be in poor taste to press a controversial ballot measure prior to an election.
I would hope that the membership is able to recognize which individuals who are running for a BOD seat do in fact have commercial interest in the club, and they consider the actions, behavior, and past performance of those candidates when voting.
We are still in need of donations! The project budget is still within original estimates, right now we are looking at $5800 for all the materials and rentals so far. What we really need help with to keep this project from pushing up to $8K is donations that will fund the leveling mix, a 50 mix of sand and topsoil. The cost is $1240 per truckload (25 tons) and we’d like to get two truckloads.
We will use the Top-Dresser to spread this across the LZ to fill and level the bad spots. This isn’t enough leveling mix to make it into a putting-green level surface, but it will really help even out the worst areas of damage caused by gopher tunnel damage!
We have more than 300 members in the club, $8 a piece will get this done! $20 from everyone would give us enough to keep leveling through the winter. $40 each would give us enough to get the Gopher Smoker, buy heaps of leveling mix, and also look at installing a central automatic liquid fertilizer system that dispenses from the irrigation sprinklers!
Ok everyone, it’s game on.
The equipment rental is set for the weekend of 16 & 17 December. We will be using the Core Aerator, an Over-Seeder, and a Top-Dresser. These three machines will be towed by a Kubota Tractor. The total rental cost is $2800 including the sales tax and delivery fee. We can’t use Gracie for this job, she is too big and too heavy. The Kubota tractor included in this rental is a mid-size tractor and has turf tires that won’t damage the LZ.
Here are some video links for the machines we are using:
Top-Dresser (This will spread Fertilizer & Leveling mix)
Saturday, December 2nd, Tim Ward will be at the LZ to give a tutorial on the Gopher Blaster. Start time will be noon.
After that, I will help anyone else who wants to learn on any occasion when we are gopher hunting. We expect to do this regularly throughout the winter. If we get the population under control now then it won’t get out of control when they pup in the spring.
Kind of continuing the gopher issue, but for other reasons as well, the sand and topsoil we are purchasing is going to be used to level the worst parts of the LZ. Don’t worry, we won’t have to look at or land on a ‘dirt’ LZ while waiting for the grass to grow. We are going to spot fill the worst parts and it will be rolled and raked below the grass level. It will be noticeable when we first start in an area, but hopefully by the time spring flying is in full swing the work will be done and grass will fully established in all of the repaired areas.
So, as I mentioned before the gophers are making the problem worse every season. Besides the potential for someone to roll an ankle or trip upon landing, the un-even ground and ruts in the LZ make the job of mowing a real kidney-punch experience. This causes the mower blades to cut un-evenly and also dulls them out faster.
The loads of topsoil and sand will be mixed 50/50, and are basically $750 per truckload but the delivery fee pushes it up to almost double that. One load of each will get us started but the amount of cubic yards of material to cover our entire LZ with just 1 inch is pretty staggering, its anise we just have to keep tapping away at and paying attention to every season.
So let’s talk about the gophers real quick. Owen and I have been purchasing off-the-shelf smoke bombs and smoking out as many gopher holes as possible. So far we have deployed roughly 40 smoke bombs and another 48 will be lit off on Wednesday, 22 NOV. We can’t be certain at exactly how effective these are but we just keep treating as many tunnels as we can and then monitor how many fresh dirt mounds we find between every trip. Our goal is to try to reduce the rodent population as much as possible before they breed in the spring.
The Gopher X is supposed to be a far more effective method. I’ve included a video below of its operation if you are curious. According to some local experts, this is the most effective machine used by Farmers and Golf courses in the inland valleys. I will say that this is a nice-to-have machine, it basically comes third in order of importance to what I mentioned in the post above. That said, I think we all see the damage that is being done to the LZ, some of the depressions and ruts that are created by collapsing tunnels are deep enough for a pilot to be injured by upon landing. So the mission is clear, the gophers have to go!
*** Update on the LZ situation ***
The Club has purchased the first round of supplies which consists of a back-pack sprayer and the herbicides for weed control. Owen Morse and I spent some time spraying the weeds all across the LZ as well putting smoke bombs in the gopher tunnels (more on the gophers in a minute).
The next step if use a machine that will aerate the soil (big 6 inch spikes), followed by a second machine that evenly spreads the grass seed and brushes it down into the holes created by the aerator. I haven’t gotten the official quote from the rental company yet but I expect the cost to be in the ballpark of $2500 for a weekend rental. We expect to do this on 9 & 10 December or 16-17 December as the back-up.
Jana asked me to include more specifics on what we need help with in terms of the fundraiser so I’ll put some more costs down here that I have been quoted. The BOD agrees the expenses are necessary for LZ maintenance, so the costs for the seed, fertilizer, herbicide, sprayer, etc is coming from the Club’s operating costs. This will total about $3000 when all is said and done. We are doing the special project fundraiser to off-set the costs of the more expensive costs that will likely not be recurring. Right now, they are as follows:
– Renting the Agri-vator (aerator machine) and Seed machine: Est $2500
– Leveling Sand and Topsoil (2 trucks), actual quote is $ 2500
– Burrow X, gopher smoke machine is $2500
When a member is clearly and actively behaving in a manner the not consistent with CSS policy or in violation of law (violence or the threat of violence), anyone present has the express right to document the incident via video, audio, or any other media and turn over that evidence to the Board of Directors. Period.
Read the text of the letter, all of it. Stop focusing on the date in the top left which is the date the letter was prepared. The letter clearly states the terms of the suspension, you are just selectively ignoring it.
If you think there are grounds for any kind of lawsuit what so ever, you clearly have no idea how civil law works.
Do NOT threaten me or this club. There is no grounds for any kind of lawsuit and it’s clear that you haven’t read the letter.
Your point is heard, however the difference with this situation is that the behaviors in question have been going on for the entire year. Almost every Board member has had conversations or phone calls with Gene many times before the warning letter was delivered about the horses, the dogs, and other concerns. The complaint did not come from 5 general Members, ultimately the Board received multiple verbal complaints from general membership and we all witnessed several occasions of Gene and Nicole violating our requests to stop those behaviors. Additionally, there has been a pattern of behavior from Gene going back several years. None of those things from the past are part of the current grounds for suspension, but you simply can’t expect any reasonable person to not consider a long history of behavior when dealing with where we are now.
Essentially, the Board had no choice but to act immediately on behalf of the members who complained, while also having a very significant amount of evidence via pictures and video as well as first hand observations by the Board members where gene violated Club rules that we expressly asked him to abide by. This isn’t a normal situation of Club discipline. As Jana mentioned in a post above, aside from Insurance issues, ALL of our time as a Board this year had been consumed by Gene.
With that said, there is a General Membership scheduled for Dec 9th via Zoom and the Board has agreed to allow Gene to address the charges. I’m sure you will criticize the order of events in that this should have occurred prior to the disciplinary action being exercised, but the Board feels that we have been fully justified in our actions to date given the circumstances. We specifically considered allowing Gene this opportunity because you pointed this out from the By-Laws and we will recognize it in fairness.
The By-Laws you cited were followed to the letter by the BOD. The 2/3 Vote is among the board members, not general membership. A letter of warning was delivered, that was violated and the Board voted to suspend for 30 days. That was also violated. The Board voted to extend the suspension for one year based on the warnings that were provided in the original letter.
*** How we are spending the donation funds raised ***
The first $5,500 will cover the majority of supplies needed, but there is also some equipment that the Club will need to maintain the grass year after year.
– The first big thing to get the weeds under control is to spray the entire 3 acres. There is a unit that we will purchase that is towed behind the Lawn Mower or Gator. I has a 40 gallon water tank to mix in the liquid products and then will spray a track about 6 feet wide when towed. This same unit will be used to apply the liquid fertilizer in the same way.
– Consumable supplies. The grass seed, fertilizer, and herbicide are the consumables we will need to purchase and apply annually. We probably don’t have to over-seed every year but we do need to fertilize and take care of weeds more often. This will be a $900 to $1700 annual expense but we will become part of regular annual operating expenses.
– Equipment rental. One thing we need to rent in called a ‘Plug Aerator’, its basically like a giant spike roller to aerate the soil. Because we have a large area of LZ to cover we will try to rent a machine that is basically self-powered like its own little tractor. Worst case, funding restrictions considered, there are are towable units to rent.
The above expenses total nearly $6000. We would like to extend our total fundraising goal to $10K to cover an unexpected expenses, but here is what we could also use the additional funds for:
Gopher Smoker – You all have seen how bad the gopher mounds got in the spring. they weren’t as bad during the summer because the little buggers move out into the eastern approach area to be under the shade of the taller brush. There are hundreds of them! I had professional pest control services quote us for gopher mitigation services (i.e. mass murder), and the quotes were between $7500 to $10K. The club can’t handle an annual recurring expense that high but there is an alternative – there is a $2500 machine that is essentially a smoke generator, you stick a tube into the tunnel and pump smoke into the tunnels which kills the Gophers with carbon monoxide. This is the most effective machine on the market today, several Farmers in the Inland Empire are using these machines with great success. (Insert Gopher Smoker Pic Here).
Weeds… Weeds…. Weeds….
We’ve got a significant amount of weed growth in the LZ. A good portion of it is clover and is not really a super bad thing except that hogs all a lot of the water and nutrients in competition with the grass. The biggest problem is the ‘Goat’s Head’ weeds. These are nasty little radial weed growths that small burrs with very sharp thorns. Getting the thorns in your skin is painful as they tend to puncture and then break off under the surface of the skin, while basically being nearly microscopic. It’s bad enough getting one in your hand or ankle, imagine what it would do to a PG sail or getting tangled up in the lines. A few of these Goat’s Heads have popped up along the southern edge of the LZ and I’ve ripped them out as I find them, but I want to stop them dead before any encroach in the PG Kiting area. (Insert Goats Head pic here).
The first step in the LZ project will be spraying an herbicide that kills weeds but not the grass. Its a multi-step process that will be done just before sunset so it gets watered in during the evening sprinkler cycle. It will take 5 to 6 applications over a 10 day period.