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  • in reply to: New Shade Structure Member Input (Wishlist) #10659

    To reduce the lift vector on the roof during high winds, you’d think we could come up with a simple spoiler system to take care of that laminar flow as well as all those pesky Bernoulli’s. Might pay in the long run…just thinking how roofs and wings share just a few characteristics.

    in reply to: “Landing” field safety #8966

    What’s the big aversion to using the FM radio?  Why not make it mandatory for any party in the LZ/kiting zones to carry and monitor the AJX freq during flight operations.  Additionally, for the pilots that are airborne sweating nails, why not announce “inbound from the 350” or the “pond” or “overhead” etc… to alert people who may be using the kiting area. Why am I sensing this has been submitted before and forever put to bed as a cockamamy stupid idea?  We have a FM station frequency that’s underutilized, handheld FM radios are cheap as, and it should be brought up in the conversation…just saying.
