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  • #11706
    Alan Crouse
    General Member


    Glad to hear from you.  I see exactly what you mean.  I’ve reached out to the network of experts to see what options exist…

    Thank you,


    Jonathan Dietch
    General Member

    Hi Alan,
    I cannot tell whether you understood or responded to Vrezh’s concern that the Windgram display for Kagel Mtn is truncated 2,050′ above Kagel launch altitude. Please see the attached screen print which should have it’s Y axis more than 2,000′ lower.
    Thanks for all you do!
    Kagel Truncated

    Alan Crouse
    General Member

    I made some changes yesterday that are reflected in today’s Windgrams.  We now have data well below Kagel’s peak.   It required some modification of the underlying model and removal of the SRTM elevation data, so a non-trivial issue.  Still in communication with the gurus in the Netherlands to try and get the SRTM data working.


    The scales seem to be messed up on BLtop and BLdepth too. I do like the contrast in positive and negative values in the convergence graphic. Thank You Alan.

    Alan Crouse
    General Member

    I see what you mean.  The actual point values seem correct (available from right click), but the scale tops out way too early and a lot of area is at the top color.  Probably a holdover from the work done in Europe.  The data is converted, but the scaling itself needs to change.  Having a top of 3000 is ok when it is meters, but not when it’s feet…

    Alan Crouse
    General Member

    Today I think we just about figured out the issue with the SRTM data.  Waiting on confirmation from the Netherlands.

    Also, the Meteograms are now available from the Windgram site.  Radio button to switch between the two formats.

    Alan Crouse
    General Member

    “The scales seem to be messed up on BLtop and BLdepth too.”  The problem turned out to be that some of the scales were pre-set to specific values.  I’ve changed them to scale according to the output values.  If some of them look better the other way, please let me know.  Easy to switch now that the reason has been identified.


    Hey Alan!

    My name is Justin and I am starting to help out with https://canadarasp.com/windgrams

    Read though this thread and love what you have done! Is your work by change open-source or available to be integrated by other gliding clubs? Let me know if there is a better venue to chat more in depth!

    Alan Crouse
    General Member


    All the RASP and Windgram/Meteogram stuff is open source and available.  There is a small, but dedicated, group of developers around the globe who share what they create.  Hit me up directly at ac_soaring@yahoo.com and take a look at Dr Jack’s RASP forum RASP Forum: for users of RASP predictions (drjack.info)



    Holy wowza! This is awesome. So glad to not be alone in the fray. Will be in touch in both places.

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