Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Wednesday, February 24 2021 #11408
    David Webb
    General Member

    Thanks for the great photo!

    in reply to: RASP & Windgram Upgrades #11406
    David Webb
    General Member

    Alan – looks like we have a very-scientific sample size of 3 over here, in addition to the Marshall weather station data from yesterday. Perhaps we can build up several of these comparisons to see which one holds up better for this location.

    in reply to: Wednesday, February 24 2021 #11405
    David Webb
    General Member

    Sky gods were kind to me most of the day as well.

    Uber & fly from Crestline at 9:25. Plenty of lift to be had on the way down the 750 spine. Got in a fun 45 minute flight, with plenty of time to spare for lunch.

    Launched from Marshall just before 2 in front of Jerome. Got tossed around a bit throughout the flight, but the thermals were tall and plentiful. Went just west of Pine (uncharted territory for me) – looked like Jerome was almost to the pass before I turned around. I topped out at 6700′ with a 3:45 flight.

    Was fun flying with you all.

    in reply to: RASP & Windgram Upgrades #11398
    David Webb
    General Member

    Metric by force! We need to enter the modern age and start counting by tens :D

    in reply to: Meet the future Jerome #11361
    David Webb
    General Member

    Congrats on the upcoming new life!

    in reply to: Incident Report: PG vs Crestline Trees, December 27, 2020 #11312
    David Webb
    General Member

    I don’t want to start any more arguments or cause any more issues than I may already have, but my hope was that all of the instructors would endeavor to impress upon their students the importance of respecting the flight requirements of the site and why that’s important. Hopefully, many or all of them are already doing that (totally likely, I’m not saying that they aren’t). Also, when it becomes known that a student is repeatedly violating those rules and requirements, that their instructor could step in and have a serious conversation with the student, in addition to letting the safety officer know that they are dealing with it.

    I never expected people on launch to play police, and it’s next to impossible to “card” everyone before they fly. I’m a believer in the effectiveness of just saying hello to new pilots (or pilots that we don’t recognize) – relevant information usually just falls out and makes it easier and more pleasant to guide that person in the right direction.

    I’m not in the hot seat anymore, but I’m confident John will have some good ideas on making some improvements in that area. Signage, possibly including a QR code to the site briefing for each launch (in addition to AJX) might be a good start for visiting pilots.

    The enthusiasm and support is super appreciated, Jeremy! Teamwork makes the dream work. :)

    in reply to: Oldest Pilots in CSS #11297
    David Webb
    General Member

    My vote is for Susumu – if he’s not the oldest, he’s definitely the coolest. My guess is that he’ll be flying until he’s 100.  :)

    in reply to: Debunking a rumor: Selective accident/incident reporting #11295
    David Webb
    General Member

    The 2 incidents mentioned by the spicy rumor department, for those that like to read reports, occurred on 4/15 and 4/25. The reports make it very easy to get dates and other pertinent details straight, since there were no reported (or rumored) incidents on 4/16. If no one mentioned or reported one (even though it sounds identical to the one one 4/25), please send it in.

    in reply to: Thursday Was Hot Fire – February 11, 2020 #11294
    David Webb
    General Member

    But it was a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

    in reply to: Discussion Quality #11275
    David Webb
    General Member

    Just my opinion, but I don’t see anything wrong with letting anyone in the flying community post here. As long as we can all behave ourselves, I think there’s value in letting folks who may not fly here regularly (and might not be regular members) join in on discussions. To my knowledge, we’ve really only had an issue with a couple of people in the entire history of the site’s forum (both the old one and the current one) – that’s actually surprisingly good.

    in reply to: Super Bowl Sunday – 2021 #11262
    David Webb
    General Member

    Now THAT’s a sunset! Nice pic.

    in reply to: Soboba, Monday 2021/2/8 #11261
    David Webb
    General Member

    I’m jealous!

    in reply to: Discussion Quality #11256
    David Webb
    General Member

    Sorry – I just don’t see what dragging it out accomplishes? I want everyone to be included and participate, and I take the censorship thing very seriously, but 3 strikes for posting in a forum is more than enough. This isn’t a case of someone blurting something out and then regrettting saying the moment after. There is ample opportunity between getting mentally fired up, typing out a reply, and clicking “Submit” to exercise a little self control. I think the fact that this is the first instance since the new website went live that anyone has even considered banning a person from the forum is testament to just how open it is. I’ve only heard of one other instance on the old site where this was necessary and I’ve yet to see any posts from any other participants (no matter how much I might disagree with them) that made me think “ban this person.”

    in reply to: Discussion Quality #11252
    David Webb
    General Member

    I still advocate the 3 strikes rule, and think it’s a good compromise. There is definitely a difference between “colorful language” and repeatedly dragging down the rest of the forum with insults and threats. There has to be a limit and if a warning followed by a 30 day suspension aren’t reaching that individual, then it’s likely that they have no intention of changing their ways. This forum has got to be welcoming and usable by as many in the community as possible.

    in reply to: 2021 Board of Directors Election – Votes Are In #11229
    David Webb
    General Member

    Bump on this thread – results shown in the main post above.