Home Forums Pilot Alerts & TFRs National Forest Closure – Cancelled!

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    David Webb
    General Member

    Be advised that as of today (Sept. 7, 2020), San Bernardino National Forest – which surrounds all of our launches and roads up to launch – in addition to many other southern CA national forests – has been issued an open-ended temporary closure due to all of the fires.

    Please keep an eye out for the closures to see when they lift and exercise good judgment.

    EDIT: As of October 9, the San Bernardino Forest is back open. Woo hoo!

    More details here.

    Jerome Daoust
    General Member

    Thanks David. To be clear, please state the club’s position on

    1. If vehicles are prohibited from using dirt roads to 750/Marshall launches, and if the access gates are closed/locked.
    2. If 750/Marshall/Crestline launches are not to be used, regardless of vehicle or hiking access. If the club position is “use your judgement” or “it would be a good idea to“, then launches are open and school instruction can proceed.

    If there is no clear club position to use the launches or not, the more responsible pilots and schools will avoid using the site, while a reduced number of less responsible pilots and schools, will continue. It is best for pilots and schools to present a uniform response through club leadership, and avoid conflicts between pilots and between schools.

    David Webb
    General Member

    Club’s position is that we all should respect the closures that the forest service laid down. I don’t know if any of the gates are physically locked or if any of the roads are blocked, but they are all on forest service land as far as I can tell (correct me if I’m wrong) – that includes the roads, Marshall, Crestline, the 750, and the Devil’s Canyon Bailout.

    AJX is not on forest service land, so if people want to use the training hills or kite, I don’t see any issue with that.

    Hopefully this will be winding down by the weekend – I haven’t seen a blanket closure like this before, so who knows how long it will be. Everyone be sure to thank Mr. and Mrs. Gender Reveal for their hardwork. I hope they got lots of Instagram likes.


    >>AJX is not on forest service land, so if people want to use the training hills or kite, I don’t see any issue with that.<<


    Be a good time to break out a scooter-tow !



    Jerome Daoust
    General Member

    Thank you for posting a warning about launch closures on the CSS main page. It will help pilots who were planning a visit. It also helped me warn upcoming students of postponed training.

    A local alternative: Soboba (<– click the link). I just called and talked to Jeremy (owner/manager). They are fully open and ready for an influx of airtime-horny pilots.


    I get it that for safety reasons the USFS has closed the forest and access to all remote areas so the 750 and Marshal are obviously closed, but the Crestline launch has a public road to it and is surrounded by private houses whose residents are obviously exempt from any travel restriction, nor is there is any other restriction of public travel on the road to launch. AJX is not on Forrest Service property and therefore not affected. The restricted activities on the USFS website says nothing about HG or PG activity (see: https://www.fs.usda.gov/sbnf).

    I don’t want to be a radical about this, but thinking rationally, why can’t we fly from Crestline? We don’t use sources of ignition (certain exceptions in the LZ), carry no flammable fuels and pose no risk of creating a fire. As to causing stress on emergency services, I suppose this is a valid consideration, but many of the services required in the remote chance a rescue is needed are not the same services fighting forest fires. In addition, the fire fighting TFR is well to the east of most of our flying activities and can be easily avoided.

    We’ve had so many restrictions placed upon us this year I’m getting weary of the blanket remedies. I’m not going to be a radical about this, but come on. This is just getting ridiculous.

    David Webb
    General Member

    Hi Tom,

    We don’t want to be heavy-handed about shutting the site down (I want to go flying too), but should be clear about a few points:

    The US Forest Service has been pretty clear about the closures and the reasons behind them:

    As of 5:00 PM on Monday, September 7, the Regional Forester is closing 8 National Forests in Southern California, including the San Bernardino National Forest.  This means the National Forest is temporarily closed to ALL public use due to the threat from high fire danger and firefighting resources being spread stretched to the limit.  This includes driving Forest Roads, Hiking on Forest Trails, and being in any Forest Service Developed Recreation Areas.

    As of now, the order by the regional forester is in effect from September 7 through the 14th (unless things develop differently). We only miss a weekend of flying if the restrictions get lifted at the end of that.

    Sylmar has completely shut down their site as well (they are in the Angeles National Forest), so we’re not doing something crazy or unique: shga.com.

    Whether we like it or not, crashes and land-outs happen. Helicopters get called. Dirt roads get driven on to help extract pilots. None of that is something that should be an option at the moment, and unfortunately, it’s always an option in our sport.

    I’d suggest that everyone read the various pieces of information that are out now regarding the fires and forest closures, as they provide a lot of detail about the when and why:

    Ken Howells
    General Member

    But Tom, that isn’t fair to the people who can’t launch Crestline! We all have to suffer equally!

    Actually, I applaud Tom’s clear-headed appraisal.  Using Crestline launch should be considered OK.

    Just keep your tobacco in your cheek and your gender concealed.


    Marc Deschenes
    General Member

    “Going into or being upon” The language is clear.


    Pursuant to 16 U.S.C. 551 and 36 C.F.R. 261.50(b), and to provide for public safety and protect natural resources, the following acts are prohibited on National Forest System lands within the Pacific Southwest Region. This Order is effective from September 7, 2020 through September 14, 2020.

    1. Going into or being upon National Forest System lands within the National Forests listed below.
    a. Inyo National Forest
    b. Sierra National Forest
    c. Sequoia National Forest
    d. Stanislaus National Forest
    e. Los Padres National Forest
    f. Angeles National Forest
    g. San Bernardino National Forest
    h. Cleveland National Forest

    David Webb
    General Member

    Update: ALL national forests in CA are now closed until further notice.


    Jeff Boehler
    Limited Member

    It’s Time Again!

    With Covid, Fires, injuries etc.

    Lawn Bowling Sign-ups starting soon.

    Players must maintain a 20′ distance.

    No mask required.

    Play Safe!



    David Webb
    General Member

    Or for those that like to live dangerously, what about good ol’ fashioned, banned-because-kids-hurt-themselves, lawn darts?


    You mock my pain.

    Whatever you do, do not look at today’s windgram.

    Tim Ward
    General Member

    I don’t think that forecast takes smoke into account.

    I’ve seen lots of days where the wind gram overcalls the day. Usually when it’s good, it will be great visibility over the valley.

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