Home Forums Pilot Alerts & TFRs National Forest Closure – Cancelled!

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  • #10263
    Albert Sharp
    General Member

    Thank you for keeping us updated on the closure status David.


    One more day…

    Stan Barankiewicz
    General Member

    I just got off a call with NFS.  They expect the San Bernardino Forest closure will be extended through Wednesday, Sept. 30 because of the upcoming heatwave.  Thereafter, it should become open.  A new Regional Order will be posted on their website sometime later this evening.  I asked if there was any possibility that we could get an exception to use the Crestline launch.  Their response was that the closure extension is only for a few more days, so please be patient.

    David Webb
    General Member

    As a note for those looking at that link now – keep checking. Last time they extended it, it got communicated out late in the evening (well after 9PM).

    Jonathan Dietch
    General Member
    Stan Barankiewicz
    General Member

    Well, it’s official. The San Bernardino Forest remains closed through September 30th. https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/fseprd810649.pdf  We need to have one heck of a party when it finally opens back up!

    Ken Howells
    General Member

    Please let the forest closure expire today! Please, please, PLEASE!!!!



    David Webb
    General Member


    Mario Miralles
    General Member

    Ugh!! The FS just contacted me saying that the closures are being extended again for another week! : (

    Mario Miralles
    General Member

    With the El Dorado and now Bobcat fire almost wrapped up, it would be a good time for someone with a good rapport with the San Bernardino FS to talk to them for permission for launching Crestline since we aren’t really going through, but over the Forest. I only know some of the Angeles FS folks and they have made allowances in the past. It has to be the right (diplomatic) person though.

    Throwing rants will not help anything. Knowing FS people on the front line, I can tell you that they could use a break too.

    Ken Howells
    General Member


    I don’t see any Santa Anas or Red Flag Warnings here.

    Ken Howells
    General Member


    I don’t see any Santa Anas or Red Flag Warnings here.

    Blanket closures like this are bureaucratic laziness at its finest.


    Mario Miralles
    General Member

    Yes Ken, it would seem like a good time to make the case to the FS.

    Jonathan Dietch
    General Member

    This afternoon, I reached out to Randy Moore, Regional Forester, who oversees the USFS land in SoCal where we fly. I received a call from Zach Behrens, Public Affairs Officer, San Bernardino National Forest. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, we will very likely regain access to our roads, trails, launches and landing sites sometime during the afternoon of Friday, October, 9, 2020. A new order is expected to be issued during the coming week which will specify what all is to be reopened and should mention the time of day this coming Friday that will have access.
    This will affect:
    Cleveland NF
    San Bernardino NF
    Angeles NF
    Los Padres NF

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