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  • in reply to: HOW TO DELETE WHEN SOLD #9213
    David Webb
    General Member

    I’d recommend just editing the original post and write something at the top like “this has been sold”.

    in reply to: P2s – Please Respect Your Site Sign Offs #9188
    David Webb
    General Member

    Expect to see a reply here every time this happens, since it would seem like it can’t be said/written/shouted enough:

    Crestline is a P3 launch. Regardless if you have a site sign off from your instructor, you MUST NOT LAUNCH there unless YOUR INSTRUCTOR IS PRESENT.

    Yesterday, another P2 launched into conditions that they weren’t prepared for and got lucky. If you’ve got a burning itch to fly Crestline, talk to your instructor and work with them to do it safely (and under supervision).

    in reply to: Marshall WX & AJX #9157
    David Webb
    General Member

    I think Jordan has tips on launching from the training hill and climbing out. :D

    David Webb
    General Member

    Report updated with further input from the pilot. Glad they are ok.

    in reply to: Radio Frequencies #9076
    David Webb
    General Member

    Thanks Alan – added Elsinore to the list above.

    in reply to: Crestline weather?? #9056
    David Webb
    General Member

    Second successful (failed) test – got the new LTE modem and took it up the mountain, but its connection strength to ATT and TMo was still pretty weak. Connected a few times but not good enough to mount it and leave.

    Will look into stronger directional antennas to boost that signal (since the station works perfectly everywhere except on the mast at Marshall – worth pursuing) but in the meantime, will go write more code to pull the other station’s data from the flymarshall website.

    in reply to: Torrey Pines – Closed #9029
    David Webb
    General Member

    According to their site, TP is open again (as of the 8th).

    in reply to: Crestline Ultimeter Bad #9028
    David Webb
    General Member

    in reply to: PG Landed Out – June 7, 2020 #9018
    David Webb
    General Member

    Hi Albert,

    When we redid the website, I made sure to plaster that frequency ALL OVER every site briefing (the General Site Guidelines, every launch, and AJX), our Emergency Action Plan, and a few other places around the site. If you’re in the air over AJX, you’ll also notice that it’s painted on the roof.

    Sticking it in the forums is fine, but the forums are more for discussion – important club information that needs to stay up and visible is better given its own real estate or page on the site. It’s been made clear that almost no one reads the site guidelines or briefings, which kinda sucks – I ask any new visitor I meet to check them out, but I can’t force anyone. I encourage everyone (even those of us that have been flying here for many years) to give them a thorough once-over just to get familiar.

    Just for sake of repetition, our club frequency is: 145.555

    in reply to: Cool Sunday, 6/7/2020 #8998
    David Webb
    General Member

    Shot a little bit of video too – it shows how quick the cloud development was (this was over the course of about 2 hours):

    in reply to: Cool Sunday, 6/7/2020 #8985
    David Webb
    General Member

    It was indeed a cool Sunday. Here’s mine:

    Got in a morning uber/hike/fly from Marshall. The flowers along the road really liked the rain:


    Had a smooth, boaty, 30 minute flight at 10AM with lots of cloud cover. Definitely could have scratched more for lift to stay up – was a sign of things to come.

    Late afternoon on Marshall turned much more West, which made for weird launch conditions. Several PGs blowing launches. Got in the air and lift everywhere – lots of no-turn climbs, but I couldn’t seem to push much past 5600′ (other pilots above me though). Also had a few firsts:

    • Tagged the radio towers east of Marshall
    • Tagged the freeway
    • Tagged the reservoir


    Was hard to get down at the end, even with big ears and speedbar – lift seemed to be more widespread as it got later.

    Track log

    in reply to: “Landing” field safety #8952
    David Webb
    General Member

    I don’t think there’s a tidy black and white answer for that one. I can’t speak for the whole board, but it seems to me that each situation has to be treated individually, instead of saying that the person on the ground or the person landing is the one at fault. What if a pilot was not in control and plowed into someone packing up their HG in the breakdown area? What if a PG kiting moved into the HG area while a pilot was on final and the HG had to divert and crashed? There’s definitely nuance there.

    You’re definitely correct that we all signed the waiver, but it’s clear that some honest and productive discussion is needed to foster a culture of safety at the club. Let’s work to figure out if the answer is new rules, better communication among all of us, or some combination of the two.

    For your renewal this year – there was a popup with the waiver that you had to accept in order to buy your membership (just like the old paper method). It comes up when you click the sign up button. The text of that waiver can also be found in the club library here.

    in reply to: 2020 Bylaw Changes & Vote Discussion #8935
    David Webb
    General Member

    Hi Mitch,

    Hopefully it’s clear enough on the site (let me know if it’s not and we can make some updates), but for visiting pilots, we have a “Limited Membership”, which lasts a month. We had to change the name/term of the day use fee to comply with RRG’s new requirements and hoped that $20 for a month was reasonable enough (and still keeps the club afloat). I’m not there all the time, but when I am and meet visitors, do my best to get them signed up on the site (which is easy to do on a computer or phone). Most have been understanding about both the fee and the membership thing, since both keep our little operation going.

    Haven’t heard anything about a lawsuit – will ask around.

    in reply to: Work Party Saturday, June 6th at The Pond #8911
    David Webb
    General Member

    Topic “stickied” for add visibility.  👍

    in reply to: New Driver Available! #8853
    David Webb
    General Member


    Good stuff, Darren!