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  • in reply to: Saturday, October 7 2023 – Group Trip East #19059

    Jerome, thank you so much for leading the way! I wasn’t sure if I’d join you guys, but after I got that one big thermal in front of Crestline and saw you heading towards Marshall, I decided I’d try to follow along as far as I could. Turns out I was able to stick uncomfortably close to you almost the whole way! 😂


    in reply to: Skiploader on 2N40 #18981

    Good news everyone! Luke, Tim and Owen got Gracie running again! 🤘😎 Thanks guys!!!

    John & Iaroslav, thank you for volunteering your help. We may need it in the future. If any of you have any expertise in repairing and driving heavy machinery and you’re willing to volunteer your time once in a while, please get in touch with Luke. He posted his phone number in this thread. We really do need more people who know what they’re doing, volunteering to fix the roads. 🙏🏻


    in reply to: Skiploader on 2N40 #18962

    No worries Billie. I know you haven’t been here for that. Not many people are aware of everything that happens around the LZ behind the scenes. I don’t know what the previous board allowed or condoned, but I bet a lot of it wasn’t discussed, voted on and approved like we thought.

    in reply to: Skiploader on 2N40 #18961

    Rob, thank you for posting that! It should be in our club library, if it isn’t already. 🙏😎


    in reply to: Skiploader on 2N40 #18960

    Luke and Tim would be the best source of contact for that. Luke is our site coordinator and Tim frequently uses it to fix the roads. Kelly has offered his help as well, but regardless of whether that works out, it would be great to have more people with expertise in heavy equipment for times like these. Please get in touch with Luke by e-mailing:

    I’m told that Jeff Bether (our treasurer) kindly picked up the new radiator and now we also need replacement fluids such as anti-freeze, hydraulic fluid and distilled water. Luke said he would pick some up on his way to the LZ.

    Big thank you to anyone/everyone willing to help us out with Gracie! 🙏😎

    in reply to: Skiploader on 2N40 #18952

    Billie, I’m talking about the dirt piles that were brought in by countless trucks, ordered by someone who had no authority to allow such things, which then had to be spread out, so that more could be brought in against the board’s wishes.

    in reply to: Skiploader on 2N40 #18947

    I think there’s a bit of confusion here. Gene, Dan and Tim are the only people in the club using Gracie for projects and road maintenance (as far as I know). Whenever Gracie needs repairs and replacement parts, one of them lets the CSS board know what’s going on and the board cuts a check for repairs.

    Lately (as in the last couple of years) Gracie has been used for what I would dub personal projects, even though we’ve been told they are for the benefit of the club. Examples include spreading out tons of dirt we didn’t ask for. In fact, we’ve been begging for it to stop. Despite the questionable/unauthorized use of Gracie, the club still pays for the repairs when we are told they are needed.

    When I saw this post, that was the first I heard of Gracie being broken down and abandoned on a road somewhere. We are now trying to get someone who has experience fixing and driving heavy equipment to look at it and move it to safety. Can’t act on fixing a problem if we don’t know there is a problem. This seems to be a case of broken communication.

    in reply to: Skiploader on 2N40 #18941

    Looking into it. Hopefully we can figure it out and get it resolved.

    in reply to: AJX Memorial Fly-In, 2023 #18914

    Stan took these from Crestline launch yesterday:


    in reply to: AJX Memorial Fly-In, 2023 #18913

    Shout out to everyone who was able to help Sandy yesterday! 🙌 I heard the bands were awesome (even if some thought a little too loud 👴👵😜) and things worked out well. The turn-out wasn’t as big as we had hoped, but since there were other events happening at the same time, that definitely contributed to the lighter crowd. Hopefully our next event will be scheduled a lot sooner ahead of time and doesn’t conflict with anyone else’s. Thanks to everyone who showed up! We hope you had a great time! 🤘 If you have pictures or videos from the day, please post them!

    in reply to: First 2 Weeks of September, 2023 #18912

    It’s because I haven’t been able to fly all of September. I’m ruining it for everyone else. 😜 Day 23 of no flying, 7 more to go. 😑



    in reply to: No more Dirt Dumping Allowed #18790

    Bille, the developers and neighbors have been very accommodating to us so far. That’s exactly why we need to be careful, so that we don’t attract negative attention from any of them. I think it’s fair to say that we all want what’s best for the club in our own way, however, there are proper ways to go about it.

    As a board member and even just as a paying club member, I don’t like to show up at the LZ and not know why there are huge piles of dirt at the base of the PG hill & parking lot area, or pipes running through the parking lot. I’m not even sure who to ask! I have an idea, but I don’t want to cast accusations without solid proof.

    As the current vice president, don’t you think I should be one of the first to know why they’re there, who called the trucking company to dump them there and who these trucking companies are? The board as a whole should have this information, so that we can call it off as soon as we think it no longer serves the club in a positive way. No individual member or officer should be able to make these decisions on their own, as they please.

    When we ask the people we suspect are responsible for it, we don’t get clear answers. We have asked politely multiple times, but it seems to be getting us nowhere. When we ask these individuals to immediately call off the dumping and it still doesn’t stop, what recourse do we have?

    It’s easy to say; “But these people have contributed so much work over the years to make the club better! Let them do whatever they want, whenever they want!” I get it. I too appreciate and respect those people immensely, I’ve benefited from their hard work, I don’t want to damage relationships over these things, but there’s a reason we elect a board of officers every year. They’re supposed to be in charge of scheduling projects, improvements, maintenance, events, insurance, etc. We can still get these nice things done for the club through proper procedure.

    The board is supposed to make sure that the lease is safe, that we’re covered as a club, that we play nice with our neighbors and that we’re not endangering the site. Sometimes that means the board has to put a stop to certain activities until those activities have been discussed, planned and approved. In this case the training hills are not on AJX or XC ranch land, but they are in extreme proximity to us and we need to be delicate about how we interact with that land.

    I’m begging you, whoever it is that keeps calling these trucks to dump dirt at, or near AJX, please put a stop to it now, before it really gets out of hand. The improvements are just not worth the possible consequences. The training hills are fine as they are, let’s leave it there. Going forward, please discuss all future plans for LZ improvement with the board first. Let’s work on this together.

    in reply to: No more Dirt Dumping Allowed #18785

    We (the CSS board) have repeatedly asked anyone calling & authorizing truck drivers to dump dirt at the LZ parking lot to stop immediately. We’ve been asking for months for this to stop, but it has not stopped.

    Truck drivers were told directly to stop coming to the LZ to dump loads of dirt, but they say that the person told them they own AJX and gave them authorization. Somebody is pretending to be the owner and sole authority, and continues to defy the CSS board’s demands to make it stop.

    It is completely unacceptable for any one individual to authorize dirt dumping on this property (AJX or the XC ranch) without CSS board/XC ranch owner approval.

    Any alterations to the training hills and use of heavy equipment need to be discussed and authorized by the CSS board first. We are not opposed to LZ improvements. We are opposed to illegal dirt dumping & lack of plan discussion, especially if someone is receiving money in exchange for this privilege. This is unacceptable.

    in reply to: What we need is Marketing! #18718

    Not a perfect replica, but if any of you want to make buttons or t-shirts out of this, let me know. I’ll send you the files. I’m also thinking about printing flyers advertising AJX and the HG PG schools, so people know it’s possible to take lessons, or go tandem. We could put fliers around our fairly local downtowns. Maybe flyer would include a QR code that takes readers to slightly more details, such as a list of our schools.
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