Forum Replies Created
Yes. AstroTurf would be better because it’s way heavier and won’t flyway as easy as we have experienced with the pieces by the pavilion. Again if I get a hold of some AstroTurf would all of you be ok with me staking it to the ground with curved rebar to avoid line snagging?
And just so you guys know all I want is to be able to protect my gear until the club finds a new source of water cuz it seems like we lost the main source of water and now the grass won’t be able to grow again.
I went through this last season and here I’m again begging for a clean surface to lay my gear. Please find me a solution.Funny how you guys think. We have two rolls of astroturf by the pavilion that everyone loves to fold your gear on. No stakes or nails holding it in place against the 80 miles wind or maintenance done, does not look like trash and there’s no gopher armor under it. But all I had to do is ask to bring one piece of the same thing to protect my gear and you give me all this crap.
Minutes for the March 18th meeting
The meeting started at 11 o’clock sharp
Jeff posted all the financials online
The 2N40 it’s not included in the forest closure information given by Rob Mckenzie
Tim had no report to give on the LZ maintenance because he had an injured arm
The nominations for the elections for 2023 it’s now closed
Stan made a thorough explanation of why we have no grass in the summer and if we should keep on paying the $1800 a month for no access to the ranch
Jeff did not agree, and he believes that we should keep paying the $1800 a month
Dan had no report on safety
Jai Pal had an extensive explanation why we should stop paying the $1800 since the agreement was never approved by the members of the club in 2016, this violates the clubs bylaws, and he agrees that we need to have a new agreement made between the CCR and CSS
Luke came up with a plan to redo the grass on the LZ but it would cost an initial $5000
Rob Mckenzie was asked by Jamie Sheldon whether the ranch agreement was approved by membership. His answer was NO!, it never was, but should have been and we should fix that”.
Owen allowed an installation of a water meter coming from the pond
Jaipal and Stan were interrupted by Mitch McAleer, Mitch and Jaipal pushed each other out of the way, and they were separated by Luke and Owen, after that, he left the meeting.
Jonathan Dietch commented that we should have an independant arbitrator help us to negotiate a new agreement.
The board decided to put the matter under voting to all the members of the club. It was a unanimous decision from the Board of Directors.
The board agrees with a three week period to prepare a presentation for the election on this matter
The meeting ended at around 12:45Never mind! there will be no zoom meeting link or WhatsApp video call at this important meeting. If you want to be part of the meeting you have to be there in person.
Are we gonna have a zoom meeting again? Or WhatsApp video?
I heard at the last Board meeting and seen posts claiming that if we quit paying the XC ranch, the owners will sell the ranch to a developer who would be able to get a zone change and build multiple units on the ranch. Then, the homeowners would sue us to prevent us from flying over their properties to land at the LZ. I don’t think this is a real possibility. When the ranch was for sale, I was considering buying it along with another pilot. I went to the county to see what development potential there was. The county told me that they would not allow a zone change to allow more than two homes because there is no sewer system serving that area and everyone is on septic tanks. The county said they would not allow more than two homes because the increased septic systems would threaten and likely contaminate the aquifer below. This means there is no real possibility of a developer having an interest in buying the ranch, and even if one did, it would only be able to build a second home at the max. Besides the new owners could be as friendly as the neighbors east and west of the XCR. Like we built a training hill in the next door neighbor’s property along with a trailer park and they haven’t said a word. The club does not have the funds to buy the ranch even if mass donations would be handed to the club. So why all the fuss. The ranch has enough water to keep green grass all year long, but not enough to keep the pond full to the max for swimming during the summer so we need to pick a priority either grass or swimming.
Minutes from CSS Board Meeting on Saturday, July 16th, 2022
President Barankiewicz called the meeting to order at 11:02am
Old Business: President asked for approval of previous board meeting minutes. It was motioned and 2nd. Motion passed.
New Business
Review of Financial Report by Treasurer Bether : income is normal; expenses are normal; money for the structure has only been from donations – no member dues have been used in paying for the structure
CSS member asked about camping fees going to pay for the shade structure – board member stated that no camping fees have gone to the shade structure
CSS member asked about shower concerns
President Barankiewicz started the discussion regarding camping at the LZ
CSS member asked what people get for paying $15 per night
CSS member asked about the Cross Country Ranch shower – President explained that the shower is not part of CSS and that needs to be discussed with the owners
Motion was made to vote for $15/day
Board voted on $15/day rate
Motion was made for separate rate of $75/week; 2nd by Safety Director Dewese
CSS member asked about a monitor for the camping
The duration/length of stay was brought up – Tim suggested 2 weeks on and 1 week off per person
CSS member asked about students being able to camp longer than 3 weeks for lessons
CSS member asked about the impact of different lengths of stay – one concern being that people may take advantage of being able to stay and camp
Vice President Khalsa explained about the spacing in the parking lot and that it could potentially accommodate 20-40 trailers depending on the size
CSS member brought up concern about people camping and going under the radar
Communications Director Quick suggested 21 days out of 28 days camping arrangement
Board voted and agreed to the 21/28 days camping.
President Barankiewicz stated that the dream is to have an app for CSS for people to be able to pay membership dues, camping dues, etc all in one place
Next topic: shade structure
Vice President Khalsa spoke on this and explained what has already been done. He spoke about the next steps in regards to lighting, internet, wiring and plans to conceal all those wires while keeping the structure looking pleasant and professional. He also spoke about the idea of expanding the concrete slab in order to enclose the shade structure and creating a dining area, kitchen space, etc. He explained that he wants to put sheet metal around the structure for weather proofing and also talked about putting back up the simulators for paragliders and hang gliders.
President Barankiewicz took a moment to thank everyone that was involved in getting the shade structure built.
President Barankiewicz explained that the board is having someone work on the website issues and exploring the idea of creating an app
Next topic: Price of dues
President Barankiewicz brought up the need to increase the membership dues from $100 to $125 per year. It was motioned and 2nd. Motion passed.
Motion was made about a $30/month rate. CSS members and the board discussed what other sites are charging. The question came up of whether to keep the $10/day or change to $30/month. Motion was made and 2nd. Motion passed.
Other business:
CSS Member asked about adding an additional port-a-potty
CSS member asked about the $19/month charge that appears on the financial statement. President Barankiewicz explained that Vice President Khalsa has been paying the CSS monthly insurance out of his own pocket since the board got the insurance. It was only recently that the charge was passed over the CSS and that is why it just now showing up on the financial report.
CSS member asked about a site monitor. President Barankiewicz stated that the position is voluntary. CSS member asked about being compensated days of camping to be the monitor and Treasurer Betherstated that this is not a good road to go down with compensation being off the books.
President Barankiewicz made it clear that the bylaws of CSS cannot be changed without a vote by the members and it is not a board decision to make changes to the bylaws.
CSS member asked about whether or not AUA or any other rating system was going to be added. President Barankiewicz explained that it was nothing like that was happening at this time.
CSS member asked about all of the dirt that is being dumped around the property and if we are paying for it or if the club is getting paid for it – President Barankiewicz and Vice President Khalsa explained that CSS is neither paying for it nor are we getting paid to take it. President Barankiewicz also noted that the board got permission from the Department of Water to have this done and they were very impressed with the changes being made.
CSS member asked about the grass. Tim stated that he is waiting for the additional concrete to be poured so that he would not have to redo the piping for the sprinkler system multiple times
CSS member asked about using astroturf on the LZ. Tim explained that it was donated and its intended use is for the launch. He stated that we would need to ask the donor if they were ok with it being repurposed.
Meeting adjourned at 12:30pm
I’m human and I would be lying if your unprofessional comments and public attacks would not upset anyone. If your goal is to get a rise out of people volunteering their time to the club, then keep it to yourself or volunteer and try doing a better job which I don’t believe you’re capable of.
Jerome. Now I know why you were a failure as an instructor. The left side of your brain fails to read in between the lines.
When I mentioned the instructors that could teach here it was for various reasons. For example Zack, he could not pay to add the dozens of sites he teaches at all over the US and foreign countries, so he could not do it.
Luke Weaver, only has a very small group of friends that he kindly devoted his time to teach them and he could not afford the expensive and rigorous approvals of the RRRG insurance. Even when he mentioned that he was not charging them, people accused him of lying and he abandoned the whole scene because of guys like you! You’re a monster!!!Chris Tillier, also was accused by Jordan to be doing tandems for money under the table. As if Chris (a very successful man in his career) would have to go through this to make a miserable couple of hundred dollars. Again you are a blind idiot. And finally Dusty Rhodes, who has a small amount of tandems to be done and a very low profit after all the absurd fees to be paid to USHPA and RRRG…he does it anyway because this is far from being his bread and butter. It is more about sharing a passion than actually making money.
Now YOU!!! A fucking low life with nothing to do in the middle of the night but to devote your time to attack people online in the very most cowardly way. People like me and Stan are volunteering our time to a fucking club that does not appreciate any of the hard work we do. If you think you can do a better job as the president of the club put your name in and come and do this job and wait for cowards like yourself to start attacking you. Like I said you’re a monster and your fucking mouth made me loose my SWING sponsorship in 1997 and now all these years later you are still the same low life failure as a pilot that no one respects.
I guess you forgot that I know all your dirt and lies. I will stop here but I can expose all I know of you. JUST STOP ATTACKING PEOPLE. Obviously, you don’t know what you’re talking about. What an idiot!!I’m so glad all your questions will be answered tomorrow at the meeting. Make sure you bring them all. We will do everything to make you understand but if not you can stay with USHPA and use the lovely RRRG Insurance. That will give you all the protection you will ever need, but some people don’t need it or want to have it. 😜
We as a club no longer have the USHPA insurance. You as a pilot and member of USHPA have the third party liability insurance that should cover you in the whole United States. But visiting pilots don’t have USHPA insurance so the will use the CSS insurance by becoming a member of the club and signing our waiver. Again you don’t have to drop your USHPA membership we just want to make it simpler for the club.
These are the great questions we will be answering to all members present at the meeting, I hope you can make it and bring up these questions. See you at the meeting. Bring us some cold beverages sugar free please 😁
AUA is owned and administered by Ed Pittman and yes I’ve been a member of it for 2 years now and if the club decides to accept this new rating system it will be a decision made by all members of the club.
Jerome. This a copy of the first paragraph of my comment and it say there “BY ALL MEMBERS OF THE CLUB” I know we foreigners have some problems with reeedin and riitin uords is veri compricaid for us.
Sorry to not fully explain that. But if someone loses the ability to use our club as a teaching facility regardless of the credentials they have, it will be up to the club to take initiative to keep that instructor or pilot from using our landing site. We can’t stop anyone to access the national forest to launch or teach paragliding or hangliding if they don’t have credentials, like I mentioned earlier it’s not against the law to teach paragliding or hangliding without credentials. Since we want to protect our Landing Zone we should require credentials so we can save our LZ from accidents, but we don’t have the power to stop anyone from driving up to a national forest site and tell them NO FLYING FOR YOU! So your father was kicked out of USHPA for life and if one day we started to accept other rating systems like I mentioned before, he could maybe be re evaluated and be back flying at our flying site if the club and members accept him back under a different rating system. Wouldn’t that be very democratic if we all got together and brought Peter back and give him a second chance to relearn safety and keep our site accident free?
And to answer you about conflict of interest between the CSS and AUA. I guarantee you that will be no one from the board running AUA. When the time is right all of the club members will be notified as soon as we present the plans to the CSS board of directors. Calm down and relax we are working to make our club a great place for all of us and again and for the last time we’re NOT getting a new or replacing USHPA rating system we’re just want to be able to accept other rating systems so you can choose what tandem exemption you want to have. NOW THAT IS AN FAA RULE YOU MUST ABIDE. You must have an exemption from the FAA if you plan to take someone on a tandem ride. 😜
No o line meeting. The meeting will be at the Landing zone like it was posted previously. But anyone is welcome to bring a camera and stream live from the LZ.