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  • in reply to: PG pilots might be interested in this breaking news #19011

    First thing I did , after watching this video ; yep go look at the ones on my HG and PG harness’s … … I needed a bit of toilet-paper , after looking !! :(


    in reply to: Sky Tag w/Mario & the Red-tails Wednesday #18985

    Really Good video shooting , Great music , and Awesome flying !!!!


    in reply to: Autumn bliss – Sunday 9/24/2023 – Video 4K #18983

    Jonathan wrote :

    Sorry if it was rough on 9/21.


    I’m not sorry , even a little bit . The Delta-2 PG that Gene gave me ; it pulled me up to near 5300 AGL over the landing aria ; and I had a Serious Blast !!!!!

    Brian took this shot :

    BilleScreenshot 2023-09-23 6.33.34 AM

    in reply to: Autumn bliss – Sunday 9/24/2023 – Video 4K #18980

    That was Fun to watch !!

    Your weather on the 23’rd , was a bit more pleasant , and less violent ; than the Thread i made about :

    9/ 21/2023 — What an Awesome day !!!



    in reply to: Skiploader on 2N40 #18958

    Jana wrote :

    Billie, I’m talking about the dirt piles that were brought in by countless trucks, ordered by someone who had no authority to allow such things, which then had to be spread out, so that more could be brought in against the board’s wishes.

    I live in Las Vegas, and wasn’t fully informed  ; was just trying to get the entire story. I do know that a lot of the dirt was dumped , “Before” the new board took control , and that is where the confusion came from.



    in reply to: Skiploader on 2N40 #18948

    Jana wrote :

    … Lately (as in the last couple of years) Gracie has been used for what I would dub personal projects, even though we’ve been told they are for the benefit of the club. Examples include spreading out tons of dirt we didn’t ask for. In fact, we’ve been begging for it to stop. Despite the …

    Could you elaborate a bit further , please ; what personal projects are you referring to,”Exactly” ?


    in reply to: Skiploader on 2N40 #18945

    Wasn’t that skiploader , donated to the club ?

    Like most people : Unless it’s bought and paid for from hard work ; there is usually No appreciation.

    Jean asked several pilots to help with the radiator ; there response was (can it be done, before we fly). LOL

    Jean is ((NOT)) going to do it by himself (.) I donated my time to do the job ; but Jean is kinda pissed about the lack of interest from members , in this club.



    in reply to: Dave M passing and U2 for sale #18892

    Alan wrote :

    … What every they get is going to a “wounded Warrior” type of Veterans  charity.  I think they are still trying to sell his “mini-money” airplane for those with a GA ticket.  I am hoping to fly my Super Floater this Saturday as well.  If anyone has an interest in this or the GOAT ultra light 3 axis (hang) gliders let me know and we can chat at the Fly-in.  Thanks, Alan …

    I could probably move the GOAT on my airplane, ultralight , and glider forum ; a few people have inquired about has anyone seen one for sale.


    The mini-money ; I googled that and got nothing , so I’d need a picture and the real name for the airplane to move it as well.



    in reply to: Dahlsten Cup at Sylmar Sept 16th! #18861

    Perhaps Next year ; these events could be scheduled, on Different days ??


    in reply to: Dahlsten Cup at Sylmar Sept 16th! #18848

    Saturday, September 16th, 2023 is the AJX Annual Memorial Fly-In. There will be Live bands, food, flying, raffle &  the pond will be open.

    I suspect that most CSS members , will attend this party instead ?  I plan to be there !!!


    in reply to: A return to hang gliding… #18821

    Hi Eric ; I’m another Erich , with a Bille in front !! You bet  the chances are good ; your gonna see me soon.

    I’m the  old fart , that walks on 2 fake legs , and enjoys flying both Hg , and PG ; but sucks on both !! LOL


    in reply to: No more Dirt Dumping Allowed #18805

    Linda said :

    … Must be something wrong with you to not like it anymore….” …

    Yea , and I know what it is : My wife Dumped me ; but I’ll get over it , (eventually). :(

    Sorry …



    in reply to: No more Dirt Dumping Allowed #18801

    Linda said :

    …I know it’s sometimes difficult to hear- especially from a woman you told to “bend over more while you pick up the garbage”. …

    Two years ago , I used the same context for a similar joke , (Linda should wear a miniskirt , right now) and you laughed at that one !! Also Linda — think back a few months ; you said something to me that would disturb most men and I just laughed at it .

    What happened to make you so cold ; is the pressure of the club maybe getting to you ?

    No Linda — I will not argue with someone that may be having a bad time of it , at the moment ; I use to be a friend of yours , so I will Back Off .


    in reply to: No more Dirt Dumping Allowed #18795

    Jana said :

    Bille, the developers and neighbors have been very accommodating to us so far. That’s exactly why we need to be careful, so that we don’t attract negative attention from any of them. I think it’s fair to say that we all want what’s best for the club in our own way, however, there are proper ways to go about it.

    Fully agree , and I realize the “Why” I respect you so ; (your not stupid, and you articulate well) !!

    On another note — Ya see the tone was when we started with , on this conversation , and how the viewpoints were presented  ; it would be nice if everyone in the club could tone down the rhetoric , (including Me) and realize that everyone is different, and everyone has an opinion worth considering , (even if ya don’t like it) !!!


    in reply to: No more Dirt Dumping Allowed #18789

    Jana said :

    … Any alterations to the training hills and use of heavy equipment need to be discussed and authorized by the CSS board first. …

    I can see your point Jana !!

    However as I already stated ; I really like that new upper training a Lot , and I doubt anyone asked the Encore University Hills, LLC, a Delaware Corporation , for permission to put it there ?


    Thanks to Jonathan ; for finding and posting this picture , on another Thread :

    Screenshot 2023-08-26 6.39.07 AM