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A Playing Field , Line Striping Machine , can be had for under $100 ; why
not just run a line up the center of the HG/PG field , and tell PG pilots to
stay to the appropriate side of that line, or they get a $50 fine
escorted out by the police, for trespassing ?
I plan to fly here at CSS soon ; bottom line for me is that it
might be safer to go land on that nice wide/flat dirt road , down below,
than take the chance of hitting someone with my 330-Lb Exxtacy, rigid wing .
Yes 330-lb rolling mas of glider, pilot, and harness, with reserve ; and it ain’t gonna
stop very fast ; if there is a PG pilot , ((kiting on the landing cone)). A Rag
wing only weighs 25-Lb less than my rigid ; and some guy’s do use wheels
to roll in on.
If i have to land on that dirt road ; then there isn’t much need
for me to be paying your club, (money) — to use a landing aria
that doesn’t really exist ?
Tuesday evening , (June 2) i was drinking a beer, and looking
at kiters in the HG landing aria ; one guy decided to pack his
PG right next to the HG spot landing cone.
If the RRG goes out of business ; both HG and PG pilots
will need to find somewhere else to fly than CSS ; no insurance
then —– this place gets Shut-Down (.)
Any part of that ; Ya don’t understand ?
OK you guys :
I’m optimistic enough about this bug being brought under control ; i
plan to rejoin the USHPA next month , and come fly with you-All
this summer.
if you see a white haired legless dude ; no need to run away in fear
because i usually have Beer !!
@ Luke Wernle’. You said :
“I don’t have a spleen either, but I’m otherwise a healthy 56 year old.
I don’t fear this virus, … ”
OK —- Reality check :
If you don’t have a spleen , and you catch this bug ; you ,”Are” fricken
screwed ; and you Better take it serious !!!
This one hit HOME ; for me :
USHPA suggestion : “If you’re planning to begin flying again after an
extended time away, keep in mind the spring/early summer conditions
and your current skill level. Take the time to safely work back up to
challenging conditions and ambitious flights”.
And also — i realize that this lock-down affected a lot of people in
a very negative way ; but , because of my compromised immune condition
due to not having a spleen , (it also improved the odds of , “MY” living
through this , by a bunch) !!
I appreciate the inconvenience , to all affected !!
Last Saturday , Las Vegas started to open Up ; we will see in
about 10 more days from now, if the average infected rate ,
changes for the (+ or -). Right now it’s about 100 new infected
cases, each day ; and that is with the Lock-Down.
@ Mitch :
You put up a really good argument !
The people who “Should” be in quarantine, are the old ones with problems,
like me, (no spleen) ; they never should have locked down the entire country.
And i can see why the corona death rate was way over inflated ; now that
you pointed it out to me .
I’m still gonna do everything possible , to not catch this bug ; mostly because
the 2017-18 flue that took out 79,400 people in the USA , (it almost took me out)
and that was ((with)) the flu vaccine. I got no defense , for corona ; so best i do not
play with it , if possible.
Bill Floyd
@ Mitch.
Your a really smart guy , and i,ve respected Ya for a many of years ; hoping
this little disagreement, doesn’t affect our friendship ?
Bottom line for me :
I’m 67 , and ain’t got a spleen ; if i catch this bug, my Odds of living
aren’t looking so good , (based on death-rate , by age, due to corona, in NY).
@ Mitch
It’s May 11, 2020
According to ; there have
bin 80,787 people die , in the USA, from corona-19 , since Feb. Those
deaths , happened while most of the USA was in Lock-Down.
I’m curious what you think that number of dead would be ; if there
had Not bin a lock-Down ?
Bille Floyd