Forum Replies Created
Thanks Clark ; it looks Exactly like, what I’m looking for !! My only concern is can I see the altimeter display without using my reading glasses , because it looks kinda small ? I could see the display, on the Sentek.
Good price on Ebay also ; $170.
How deep did you need to cut ; I’m thinking a Plunge router , may
have bin a better way to go ?
Did he have Nevada tags, on his vehicle ?
At 200-Lb , ( 90.7kg) in a swimsuit ; it kinda looks like by the time I add harness, reserve, and weight of the glider ; I may need the XL, judging from the specks from the 1st version of the Maestro ?
Good wright-Up here :
This is the part I Like : … “At the leading edge nylon rods create an air scoop (sharknose), but only one rod is used on each opening. …
Tim said :
“I’d like to have a Rock and Roll party on Saturday, March 2nd. around 9 am.”
I take it that you really meant, April 2’nd ?
“Looking forward to it Billy. 😎”
I suspect , you could not begin to imagine ; how much
that means , to me ?
Jerome said :
“… Intended to produce the feel of a C wing in flight, but with B safety. …”
Kinda like the Gin Carrera ? I Really Liked that glider ; busted through the inversion layer 4 times, and never once had a collapse of any kind , on that borrowed glider ! It was my first go , with a PG that had Shark-nose ; and everyone knows how turbulent it is , breaking up through an inversion layer !!
Does this new Nova , have shark nose ?
Totally Reasonable strategy ; gas is getting Really expensive !!
As soon as 5 good days of flying, line up at CSS , in a row ; your gonna see my ugly face down at your flying site.
I really enjoy your videos , Jonathan ! !
I don’t understand why this glider has not sold ? There is No Rogallo
on the market that could stay with it ; with equal weight pilots !
How many people were at the WW demo days, the year Steve Parsons
gave the lecture about why WW stopped top landing Martial for testing
their gliders ?
Anyone care to summarize, the entirety of his speech ?
Pilot said :
“I’ve done this maneuver at this particular site maybe 50 or so times,”
It does Not matter what your level of experience , or how long you have
bin flying to achieve your attitude for EGO ; only TWO thing’s matters for
these decisions :
Exactly what is the reward , for the Risk your about to take ?
And — Your decision could effect your flying pears , in a very
negative way ; so do ya really wanna disrespect your friends
that way ?
Bille Floyd
I enjoy , living vicariously through you Jonathan ; but i
got Really Cold , just watching that !! :)
With a winch line stretched from the top of the new trainer hill
to the end of the grass landing field ; i bet a pilot could tow up
to near 750′ or so ?