Forum Replies Created
@ Nathan
I will be at CSS in April , when the sun angle climbs a bit more, for better soaring in the thermals ; Lets have a cup of coffee together ?
Now about these nominations ; wishing best of luck to whoever wins , and I promise to support them fully !!!
Nathan have you bin drinking ?
Jana said :
Bille, if you know of a natural way to get rid of gophers, please let us know. We don’t want to use poisons and we do not want to have to pay for professionals to come out and get it done. Unfortunately we just don’t have the manpower to keep up with the problem.
Nothing natural about this ; other than the targeted varmints , and no other animals in nature were affected :
Mia Google searched where to get, (15 minute road flares) to find the best price , pulled the trigger and placed them into the nice Lil creatures tunnels , and they all appeared to leave.
I do NOT enjoy , destroying the eco system ; just to satisfy my own desires! There is always another way.
@ Luke
If your planning to wait for city help to fix that road ; I can count on using that other route for quite a while.
I know who cross-threaded the threads on Gracie ; and Gene actually told me it was gonna happen, before it did. WHY? Because Gene is a real mechanic for heavy equipment ; and he told me it was gonna happen. Like I already stated : Gene serviced Gracie and kept the road’s clean , without counting on the city for help ; you fired Gene. !!
Care to get cynical with me ? I’m gonna stay calm ; really calm as I present my argument as to why this board acts with emotion , instead of their brains !!
You also fired Dan the same way ; after he put hundreds of hours into the concrete work at our clubhouse. You can’t imagine how many hours the Rebar-man burned at home, just planning his next step for that endeavor ; but that is what he does for a living. You have no appreciation for the people that donate their time to this club; you think short-term , and the club suffers for it.
Nature also suffers for your actions , poison to kill the gofers ? My X wife eliminated her gofer problem without the use of poison ; all those Lil bastards in her yard are Dead …
Linda wrote :
Bille, can you expand on this? Give examples?
Ok I thought about it last night; decided all club members should know what my reason is for choosing Jordan.
Jordan is a bit of a business man ; Jordan would take the steps necessary to keep the club tractor running. The consequences for this ineptitude from current board members , is that we have no way to fix the Ben Canyon Rd
In the past , Gene would do all the maintenance on the tractor , and keep the road fixed and passable ; but the current board eliminated that option.
Rebar Dan got his nick-name , because he is a professional at building in cement and steel , and his expertise was utilized in the building of the new club house . Dan was also voted in by club members as the safety directer , but dismissed by the board because the club house is now built and his supervises are no longer needed. I actually heard one of the current board members say that Dan was taking kick-backs for some Dirt dumping, and that something should be done about it ; does anyone here , know just how absurd that sounds , to someone who knows the honesty and integrity of Dan ???
YES — there are a few board members that should be replaced in the CSS club (.)
I already said , who my vote will go to ; nothing more to say. I’m also hoping to talk Jerome into reconsidering his position about running for safety director.
Nominations :
President – Ed Wiggins, Jordan Neidinger
I’m OK with Ed Wiggins as president ; but I believe that Jordan Neidinger would more fairly represent the best interests for our club.
If Jordan accepts the nomination ; I will be voting for him.
@ Jerome Daoust :
Please reconsider your decision ; if you do, then ya got My vote !!!
Bille Floyd
I remember flying with , (Shaggy) ; a Really Long time ago !!
Dang , were getting Old …
Thank-you Len ; this is simply Incredible !!!!!!
I feel that Owen may have had something to do with this gift ; as well ?
From 1977 to 1995 , I flew Elsinore about once a week ; the PG there since 1989 …
I really miss that place, AND the awesome people !!!
CSS use to be like that social club ; now CSS is mostly a bunch of bickering fools , and nowhere near as Fun a place to hang-out , as it was , in the 80’s.
Good video !
Jana said :
Check your e-mails from November 10th. That’s when you should have received the Zoom invite
Nothing there ; and I save all my CSS messages . Sometimes I get scolded from the AI ; tries to make me feel as an outcast . LOL
Jerome said :
Thank you for holding these meetings over Zoom (or any online method).
It greatly helps those who would have a long commute, especially on a non-flyable day.
You mean Week of North winds, and it’s 444-miles round trip from Vegas ; no flying makes it difficult to justify , and Zoom would help out a lot in this situation !!
I also need an invite.
Bo said :
This will be my last post regarding this issue. Bille, you are absolutely correct. I am worked up and I do have an agenda. My agenda is …
I already Knew , that you had an agenda ; it’s the reason , or the Why you are so Hyper focused on destroying Gene that I questioned ? I am quite certain, that there is some other unresolved issue, or issues you had with Gene in the past, that prompted your actions ; if I keep digging , (I’m sure it will come to light) ! Would you like to just tell me what it is ; or do I find out on my own , (and I will) ?