Forum Replies Created
But visiting pilots don’t have USHPA insurance so the will use the CSS insurance by becoming a member of the club and signing our waiver.
What do you mean visiting pilots don’t have USHPA insurance? Are we now accepting non-USHPA rated pilots at our site? Are you referring to pilots from other parts of the world who have legit IPPI ratings and get the temporary insurance from USHPA when flying at our club? Please clear this up.
It’s at the LZ.I don’t want to be confrontational or rude, but I don’t know why it’s so difficult to understand the part where a “Board” officer meeting happens every other month with the minutes posted on this website after the fact, and the “General Member” meeting that happens twice a year, for which there should be a 30 day notice to all members prior. I tried to explain it a couple of different times now. It’s right there in the By Laws. 🤷♀️ That’s the way every Board has done it over the years, but somehow this year’s Board decided it’s not important? 😶😵💫 Can you guys please just try to follow the rules on this? 🙏
P.S. What By Laws are you guys looking to change?
Thanks for putting that list together Jerome. In your “Reasons to vote Yes on AUA” list you ask: “No need to file accident reports?”
In the above AUA link it says:
“6) For the purpose of improved safety, all accidents and incidents shall be submitted in writing, with as much detail as possible, to the AUA Safety Officer for that Category. NOTE: All information in these reports will remain completely confidential to protect all parties concerned. Once appropriately reviewed, originals are returned or destroyed. They will never be disclosed. AUA needs enough information to isolate each incident to prevent multiple reports of a single incident, i.e. date and time it occurred, type of craft, where, etc…….. and enough information to help determine what happened to identify possible remedies.
Date and Time and/or location, are our primary tracking information.”So it seems the AUA also requires the reporting of incidents and accidents.
Yes. We’re trying to add to the bylaws of the club to accept other forms of rating system such as USHPA, IPPI, FAI and AUA.
It seems to me that it is a big conflict of interest to serve on the CSS board, change our By Laws AND to be pushing for a new ratings system to be accepted by the club, all by the same people who are making plans to run the AUA in the near, or foreseeable future. You didn’t want a USHPA rep on the Board, because you felt it was a conflict of interest. This, in my opinion, is also a very big conflict of interest, and maybe more so.
I hope I answered your questions and concerns and I’m glad that you are helping other members understand what the board of CSS is working for.
I don’t feel that my question above has been addressed. I’m asking what happens if (for example) a pilot, or an instructor loses his/her USHPA ratings due to one reason or another, such as having numerous complaints against them. Does that instructor retain their AUA instructor ratings? Do they get to continue to teach and issue AUA ratings even though they’ve lost their USHPA instructor ratings? If they’re not already an AUA member, will they be able to join and continue to wreak havoc on our site (assuming that’s what they’ve lost their ratings for)? My question includes tandem instructors. How does it protect our club from instructors and pilots who have been deemed unfit by USHPA to continue to teach and/or fly? Hypothetically if I get kicked out of one organization, do I just get my ratings with the other guys and I can continue on my path of destruction at AJX?
I’m glad that a “General” Member meeting has been scheduled, but the Board members still need to have a “Board” meeting among yourselves every other month, for which then the minutes need to be posted for all to see. That meeting is overdue.
I realize that Slack has allowed the CSS Board members to communicate about issues on a daily basis, but these chats are not available to us regular members! This is why you guys need to discuss a list of issues semi-publicly every other month.
It used to be that anyone could attend and listen in on the Board meetings at the LZ. That changed when Covid hit and we were forced to have them on Zoom. Please follow the By Laws. Stan knows the procedure. He’s had to attend those meetings for two years now.
I have a question about a hypothetical scenario. Let’s say that sometime in the future the club votes to accept AUA ratings the same way we accept USHPA ratings now. Lack of insurance (from AUA) aside, let’s say that a pilot or instructor loses his USHPA ratings for one reason or another, but he/she is still a member of the AUA. Will that pilot or instructor be allowed to continue to fly or teach at AJX? What if that pilot or instructor loses their USHPA ratings and is not an AUA member? Will they be allowed to join the AUA and continue to fly and/or instruct at AJX as before? How is that going to work?
Stan, Jaipal and I took a trip to AUA headquarters to ask questions about insurance, FAA interaction, rating system, pilot protection from law suites, expansion AUA services to our club members and how that would work.
Can you please elaborate on this? Do they provide insurance to pilot members? How does their ratings system work? What protection do they offer pilots and/or instructors against lawsuits? What services do they offer to the club?
If anyone has questions, keeping the discussion in this thread seems like a good idea.
Additionally, there have not been any Board meetings since April because no Board decisions have been made since.
We’ve been holding board meetings once every two months regardless of whether or not we’ve had big decisions to make. You guys can talk about the shade structure progress, what the next steps may be, how far we are with it, how much we still need to raise to complete it, how the club is doing financially, about the website & CSS app(?), the web cams we all see mounted on the shade structure but can’t view, and it looks like the camping plans are also moving forward in a direction I personally haven’t heard much about. I see Gene moving a lot of dirt around so I know it’s expanding the parking lot, but what’s the end game? I’m not opposed to it, I just want to hear more details. I’m sure I’m not the only one who’d like to know. It’s nice to see that map drawing to give us an idea.
Schedule the meeting, get a list of things to discuss (even if there’s not too much to talk about) and post the minutes, like we’ve always done. That way we stick to our By Laws like we’re supposed to.
As for secrets and a new ratings…
The Board has not been planning or considering getting out of USHPA, changing the rating system, or obtaining another rating provider.
While the above statement may be true (that the Board as a whole is not pursuing these avenues, or looking to get out of USHPA), what about individuals currently on the Board becoming a ratings provider via AUA, or taking it over?
Personally I have no objections to alternatives for ratings (as long as they have the same or better standards as current providers), Europe has a couple of different ratings providers, it’s never good for anyone to have a monopoly on anything, I’m just surprised I’m hearing about it now. I definitely want to make sure that all CSS pilots & instructors maintain the ability to receive and issue USHPA ratings at AJX, regardless of whether another ratings system comes in the future, because for now that is the accepted standard for most regulated flying sites.
And lastly, since I’ve heard it said that a USHPA rep serving on the CSS Board would be a conflict of interest, same would be true for a AUA rep (assuming one or more of you eventually do end up in charge of running the AUA). Just something to keep in mind if/when that happens for one, or more of you.
Thanks Jerome,…
and yes, the CSS Board members are supposed to meet once every two months, which last happened on April 16th, 2022. It’s been more than two months since the last meeting.
Only the General Membership meetings happen twice a year.
It’s important for our club officers to stick to our By Laws, because we are a non-profit org and it could jeopardize our status. If I’m wrong, please correct me and show me the way.
Below are screen shots of our By Laws stating what meetings need to happen when:
The last board meeting took place April 16th, 2022. I posted the minutes for that one a week or two later. According to the By Laws, a board meeting should take place every other month and the minutes should be posted for everyone to see. If a board meeting did take place this month (and it’s now June 27th), then the minutes should follow soonish?
Our home page has this message for all visiting pilots:
If they take the time to read it, they should understand our club policy for P2/T2 pilots.
Agreed, Jerome. We try to impress upon any potential visiting pilot to show up at the LZ for a site intro first, get their temporary or general membership, check out the approach pattern, talk to the local pilots, and then ride up to launch. Anytime anyone asks about visiting AJX, that is my standard answer.
I’ve even walked up to struggling unfamiliar pilots on launch to find out more about their skill level. Unfortunately some don’t want to hear my opinion on whether or not they should keep trying to launch. If it takes you multiple tries in smooth air, you should be on the grass practicing kiting instead. Realistically I can’t tackle anyone to prevent them from going forward with it, and I’m not the police.
I’m not on the board anymore as of this upcoming Saturday, but I think this year the club will have a monitor checking everyone’s ratings and club membership status at the LZ. If you land at the LZ, be ready to show your USHPA rating, active status and club membership.
Which also reminds me, everyone make sure you take a look at the club members list and see if your name appears in red. If it does, that means that either your club membership has expired, or your USHPA membership hasn’t been renewed, or that you didn’t enter your USHPA number into your profile.
Brand new PG/HG students with a temporary 30 day USHPA membership don’t have to worry about that, until they get their permanent/official USHPA numbers. Don’t forget to update your profile.
Hi Jeff, if this hasn’t been taken care of yet, let Ed know, or I’ll remind him.
Looking forward to it Billy. 😎
I want to remind everyone that you have to be a General CSS club member to get a ballot and vote! Technically you shouldn’t be doing any activity on the grass without a club membership. If you haven’t done this, please sign up here: