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I woulda charged hin a Cold Cheap Beer ; for the effort !!! LOL
Apparently , the commoners are not allowed to ask ! LOL
What happened ?
I’d probably be ok , for a snake bite , since my fake legs go up to my knees ; but that’s what I thought about a dog bite , and the Lil bastard jumped up & bit me on my A$$ !! :(
Jamei said :
Actually, the person who did this has told several people that he did it and provided an explanation as to why he did it. This isn’t a blind accusation.
May I ask ; What was the provided explanation ?
Here is what they replied to Me :
Wed, Apr 5, 9:29 AM (2 days ago)to BilleFloyd, support, tim.c, info-us
Hi Bill
First of all, we would like to thank you for your interest in our connected glasses.
Our products are the result of a long series of prototypes and required us to meet multiple technical challenges.
Unfortunately we could not integrate corrective lenses.
Indeed our current lenses must observe a certain curvature, a certain coating, a certain size and all this makes it difficult to add glasses for our users with high myopia.
We have chosen for the moment to offer an innovative, technical, lightweight product with great autonomy and which is completely adapted to presbyopic athletes.
We are aware that many people would like to benefit from a solution in this direction and we hope that in the near future our team of engineers will be able to take up this new challenge and thus satisfy all our sports friends in search of challenges and performance.
We provide an unconditional 30 day trial, so individuals with corrective vision requirements can check to see if ENGO will work for them.
Thanks for your understanding
Hicham E.
Engo Tech Support
@ Dan :
Wise words Dan ; I can see Why I respect you as much as i do !!!
Emotions are rather Fickeled ; following them can be problematic at best. :(
OK — I already know this ; so Why do I continue to do it ?? —– Dumb Human !
Thanks David !
Yes i did what you suggested , early today ; hoping for a positive response !
I really don’t wanna get Lasik ; and contacts for me ,(there Not an option). :(
@ Mario :
I can see my vario and airspeed , without reading glasses ; it’s that far-away stuff that gets kinda fuzzy, and it wasn’t that way about 10 years ago . :(
I didn’t see any mention for compatibilety with prescription ; or did I miss it ?
Who contacted Code Enforcement ; members should know ?
Edit : Thanks to the member who contacted me with the info ; but now I wish I had not asked , because I really liked the person who did that awful thing ! :(
@ Jana :
THANKS for posting That !!
Look at the block in the upper Right hand corner of my screen-shot ( the lower training hill) ; It does not belong to CSS, and if the new owners decide to limit our use of their land for an approach , (which they Can) the HG pilots are in Serious trouble !! I can hit the CSS owned land with my Rigid , (just need to add a speed break) ; I suspect most HG pilots could Not.
Now look at the block of land owned by the Ranch , in the upper Left side of my screen-shot ; without that aria to use as an approach to landing , a lot of PG pilots will be in trouble , (especially if there are more than person on approach).
Think twice people , before you decide to give up relations with the ranch ; it will affect most or the pilots in this club !!
Bille Floyd
Jana said :
PGs could practically land anywhere if they’re skilled enough
Yes , your are correct ; but less than 1/2 , of the PG pilots , and less than 30% HG pilots , in this club , (from what I see) could make a safe approach into the landing aria , without the use of the ranch property ; (especially if there are more than two pilots in the pattern at once.
Thanks for posting the video Jana ; it was nice of you to take the time in doing so !!!!
As was mentioned ; the ranch was originally developed to help secure a better approach to the LZ .
Here is a proposal I’d like to make to All CSS members ; both PG and HG pilots :
Your next 5 landings , into the LZ ; pretend there are 20′ palm trees surrounding the entire perimeter of the current Ranch property , and Do Not use the ranch property for your approach . A pilot will immediately notice just how important the ranch property is ; for making a safe approach into the current LZ.
I fly both PG and Rigid wings , and the Rigid wing can be made to loose altitude at a much steeper and safer decent rate, than any Rogallo wing on the market ; so I am confident that me and my wing can and will land without using the ranch as an approach. The PG’s on a heavy day of traffic ; you are in trouble , without the ranch property available for your approach.
Just saying : Bille Floyd