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  • in reply to: Few More Webcams #8550
    David Webb
    General Member

    Minor update – one of the AirSites cameras looks like it’s been turned a little bit to the west (it used to show Marshall & Cloud; it now points towards Regionals & Devil’s Canyon). The name has been updated on that one to “Crestline (Regionals)”.

    in reply to: Website Weather Sorry For the Delay #8514
    David Webb
    General Member

    Keep rockin it, Ken – your efforts are appreciated.

    in reply to: Crestline weather?? #8497
    David Webb
    General Member

    Crestline weather station is back online. Applause for Ken and Dan for their software patching, anemometer fiddling, and tower climbing – risking life, limb, and sanity for our amusement.

    Successful (failed) test of the new Marshall station. The network(s) it was connecting to were getting a very weak signal (my phone is on ATT and I get a pretty shitty connection anytime I’m up there), so going to try a couple other cell connection options.

    in reply to: Soboba is OPEN #8496
    David Webb
    General Member

    We’re living in the age of deep fakes. My guess is that this is a high quality edit purchased off the dark web.

    in reply to: Hang Gliding Headlines #8435
    David Webb
    General Member

    Ha ha! My favorite:

    Close Call: These Two Hang Gliders Were Hang-Gliding at the Same Time and Almost Broke Social-Distancing Rules” Subhead: ​“But Then One Soared Seven Thousand Feet Above the Other

    in reply to: Beautiful Saturday – 5-9-2020 #8414
    David Webb
    General Member

    I was caught by surveillance trying to exit the scene.


    in reply to: Little OD? #8399
    David Webb
    General Member

    I caught that pic a little late – about 20 minutes before, there was a huge billow coming out of the top, and on my way home, the clouds looked way more vertical than that one (but I’m still learning).

    in reply to: Marshall Weather Station Update #8398
    David Webb
    General Member

    You’ve obviously made no effort to understand how this works. The links you provided no longer exist, and I told you that from the beginning. That link above was to access a flat text file with day by day data (the old script handling the data was creating a text file every day that the weather station posted data to it). That method is super inefficient and difficult to query (if you want to only look at an hour of data, you have to download the whole day; also, there’s no way to look at data for multiple days without downloading a bunch of files).

    Now (and I described this to you in detail before it went up), the data goes into a database where it’s now easy to retrieve (by anyone who wants to pull the data), and easy to manage (no one has to deal with a folder full of text files that just build up to infinity).

    “Clockwork” – my entire flying career of a little over a year and I don’t think there’s been a single day I’ve come up to fly when there hasn’t been some kind of issue with the weather stations or the web cams, so let’s not go into that one.

    The power page – you had complained about its many shortcomings (the old one), so I put one together as a courtesy to you. You then complained about that one.

    I’m super done arguing with you about any of this. You’ve proven yourself to be a complete nightmare to interact with (with any club issue that’s come up). Believe whatever you want, but the new Marshall station should arrive later this week, I’ve been working with Ken on updates and testing with AJX and CRS (he’s been super easy and helpful to work with), so those should be back online soon as well.

    Please adult up and drop this – the flame war on the forums is not productive.

    EDIT: Almost forgot – if you’re on an iPhone (which according to the analytics for the website is the overwhelming majority of us) – the flymarshall graph doesn’t work at all in portrait mode. Not sure if I’m alone here, but I don’t walk around with my phone sideways, holding it with both hands all the time. The new weather page (CSS) was tested to work well on lots of different browser/computers/devices, and the bigger your screen, the more you see (while still being easy to use on a phone).

    in reply to: Crestline weather?? #8379
    David Webb
    General Member

    New Marshall station is on order and should arrive next Wednesday. Just need to install it (we can pull data from that as soon as it’s in place). Ken is working on software updates to CRS, and that will be back online as soon as that’s complete (believe AJX is the same story).

    in reply to: COVID-19: AJX Status #8369
    David Webb
    General Member

    Landing! Plenty of distance (not a soul around).

    Great catch on the webcam, Jeff!

    in reply to: Feedback Welcome #8327
    David Webb
    General Member

    Hi Alex – this one is done! Here’s what it looks like:

    Screenshot 2020-05-06 11.43.07

    Also – a note for mobile users (in case you didn’t notice): if you’re on your phone, you can drag your finger across the graph and the little popup will track that (so the values will change as you’re dragging). Have tested this on the iPhone (YMMV on droids).

    in reply to: Marshall Weather Station Update #8323
    David Webb
    General Member

    This is complete rubbish, Jimmy. There’s no grand conspiracy out to get you. The data wasn’t blocked, and you made no mention of switching the data over to the other  (non-club) site. I have absolutely nothing to gain by shutting off the weather station data. I tried emailing you about it and you ghosted me after telling me to retrieve the data from the other site. I already did a whole lot of extra development work when building the site to accommodate you so that you wouldn’t have to make any changes, and now you make an arbitrary change and expect me to spend a whole bunch of extra time redoing what I already did. What happens when you get in a bad mood again and decide that you don’t like Gavin anymore? Do I need to code around your moods?

    Absolute bullshit. The club is better off not having its weather data beholden to one person that’s (already proven) to just switch it off cause they have a beef.

    On top of all that – the data on the website (from all the stations) is easily accessible by anyone that asks (its JSON data which is very easy to consume and write scripts against). You just had to ask (but you didn’t).

    I also made you a page to check the power on that station and sent you a link to it (the link is even at the bottom of the main weather page).

    in reply to: Marshall Weather Station Update #8320
    David Webb
    General Member

    Update: the new weather station is on order! 🤘

    Will post again when we’re closer to knowing the installation date. Appreciate the patience.

    in reply to: Upcoming Membership & Storage Renewals #8231
    David Webb
    General Member
    1. Not a screw-up at all, but memberships are now good for one full year from the date of purchase. So your renewal will be due next year on May 2. This is also the reason for the long grace period on the coupon codes (if folks want to eek out every last day of this last membership year and pay at the end of June, they’re free to do that). More on this in #3.
    2. We turned off all of the auto-billing stuff (we can definitely do that, but thought that more people would be against it than for), so you won’t be auto-billed. Next year, 2 weeks before your membership expires, you’ll get an auto-nag email from the site reminding you to renew.
    3. In the auto-nag email (mentioned in #2), you’ll get another coupon code that will again waive the sign-up fee (so same process as this time), making your next payment $100. Here’s what the email will look like (your coupon code will be unique to you).
    4. Feel free to remove your payment method under your account if your payment has already been processed. Just remember to update it before the next time you renew.

    Hope that clears everything up. If anyone has any issues, feel free to email

    EDIT: Also should have mentioned, in case anyone has security concerns: We do NOT store your credit card information on the website. If you have a payment method stored, that is completely handled by the payment processor (Stripe – for those who aren’t familiar, it’s like PayPal only better; they are fully PCI compliant with all of the necessary security protocols in place).

    in reply to: Feedback Welcome #8184
    David Webb
    General Member

    Yessir! That one is on the list (just haven’t gotten to it yet). Also plan on scaling/zooming so you can easily see finer resolution on small screens.