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  • in reply to: Friday Freezeout #12680

    Hello Dan,  Good report.  Considering that I have a Brightstar Swift that has been basically mothballed for a while I would be interested in getting the contact info for any of the three Swift pilots you saw, from any one that knows.  Thanks, Alan.  (

    in reply to: Who’s in favor of having a launch and landing clinic? #12077

    I was in favor when I thought it was a… LUNCH and landing clinic.  Still in favor, even with out the Lunch.

    in reply to: Camping on Crestline #11879

    Next time, I suspect the local authorities might take more action if the nearby home owners are the ones making the complaint.  I suppose it could also be counter productive getting nearby homeowners involved unless there is good communication that the “offending” campers have nothing to do with our hang gliding club or site.

    in reply to: Discussion Quality #11170

    Considering Jerome’s linked study let me apologize in advance for what may be a less than intelligent response, since I won’t be using any expletives. I have a lot of respect for both sides/persons that prompted this thread, but regardless of who may be correct or has valid points, I will take the side of having “Forum Decorum”. This forum is open for literally the world to see. I dont want my daughter, or a 12 year old in India or Timbuktu reading this B.S. (opps a flash of brilliance there?), on our club website. I also don’t want potential visiting pilots from around the world or prospective local newcomers reading “heated language” from our clubs own website, that may discourage people from coming out to fly here. I like having the forums open to non-members, but consider it poor form for a non-member to “piss all over our club, it’s elected officers, and the club itself on a club forum that they don’t belong to. If I invite someone, who has an issue with me, to join my family BBQ, I certainly don’t expect them to make a scene in front of my family, at my home with what ever grievances they have, regardless of how valid those grievances are. We had the same issue a few years back with a certain “BK” from San Diego that “high jacked” our club forum to wage war on the national organization and at least one of our club officers. Unfortunately the forum needs to be moderated. Despite not cursing in this response, I confess I do occasionally express signs of intelligence at other times (driving in Cali and not reaching that last needed thermal.

    in reply to: Radio Frequencies #9057

    If flying Lake Elsinore (HG/PG) most common 2 meter frequency is 144.120 but don’t expect a lot of the locals to be using radios. If using GA aircraft radios, the skydive center and sailplane tow operations and landings are on 122.9. Some sailplanes may be on 123.5 once clear of the airport and drop zone. Hemet based sailplanes usually are on 123.3 when clear of the airport. Hemet airport traffic is on 123.0

    Easy way to remember Elsinore 2 meter frequency is: 12×12 = 144. And then add 12 again for the decimal yielding 144.120

    in reply to: Privacy #8831

    I strongly favor leaving “Pilot Reports” unrestricted. Actually the only forums that I think should be blocked from non-members would be a forum or threads where we have “in house” discussions or arguments on heated issues that would project a bad image of the club to visiting viewers.

    in reply to: Elsinore Memorial Day Soaring #8623

    Hello Ken,  I often stick my arm out the left side canopy vent with the E-team claw when getting close to HG/PG, but not everyone knows that “super secret handshake”.  He is a Pic of my Pilatus.  I don’t mind sometimes sharing the air up close, but if I spot camera gear on your wings, well that’s like putting out honey for the bees.  Just ask Jonathan.  See you in the air , Alan

