Forum Replies Created
Mitch : ” The Covid hoax was based on a projection of 3.5% infected fatality rate”.
Bille Floyd here — And i could really care less about “ALL” that sh!t ; what
i know, is that fricken Lil bug , (it almost took me Out) like
preeminently, as in Dead . You believe anything Ya want ; that
corona bug , is fricken Dangerous !!!
The % rate for Death , per number infected, here in Las Vegas
has bin holding at 2.07 % average, since the middle of
last month ; doing the math that’s 40% off the mark of 3.5 % projected
but still , “Quite” high. Here , do the math for the 30’th of Sept :
Infected : 67176 , dead : 1391 = 2.07 % death rate.
What is the death rate for the Flue ? Answer : about 23 X , Less !
>>Someone came and turned donuts in the middle of our already-stressed
It’s a Bummer, how some people are !! Same thing happened at a park
in Las Vegas ; now it has a steel fence around the perimeter, at a
cost of Thousands of dollars , to the tax payers.
Thanks Dave !!!
I had a pre-order in , with full payment due for a Polini Thor 202
engine at the end of the year ; was going to put it on my Exxtacy glider.
After surviving a Really nasty case of corona-19 last month ,(almost Died)
i decided to buy myself a used Atos , for a present ; so the engine
is gonna have to wait another 6 months . Good to know that i can
fly out of there next year ; and i propably will be spending a bunch
of time there.
Next up, is a better PG, (my harness and reserve are fine) but
my Skywalk Chili is simply to old and too big, for me to feel comfortable
while flying it.
I got a Lot of hours , flying Soboba back in the 80’s ; was using
a HG though. What would the owner think, about me flying
out of there, with my rigid-wing, with an engine and folding
prop ?
>>AJX is not on forest service land, so if people want to use the training hills or kite, I don’t see any issue with that.<<
Be a good time to break out a scooter-tow !
August 25, 2020 at 3:25 AM in reply to: The Emotional Need to Feel Part of the Talented Group #10057Really enjoyed that Jerome !!!
” You can’t buy Happiness”, now That hit home. After watching
this video, i decided to turn my Large Skywalk Chili, into a flying
sailboat spinnaker , for my Hobie-21 ; and get a more suitable / stable PG
for my late day flying. If i want/Need, Active air adrenaline ; i’ll get it on
my Rigid wing HG , from now on !!
Jerome said : “makes it feel more real.”
And this is as real as it gets :
Slowly suffocating , while drowning in a pool of your
own blood ; it is a truly Horrific way to die ! It almost
happened to me last week.
If your right one is only 9 1/2 , then yea , it would put a slight left hand turn in the
wing ; but we could take a hacksaw, and dice it down to your size !! LOL
Do you want the Carbon ; or a SS foot ?
The Left foot ?
Tell Jeff, that i have a spare Foot, he can borrow ; till his gets better !
It’s a size 11,1/2 men.
July 16, 2020 at 9:05 AM in reply to: The critical importance of packing enough drinking water while flying #9610@ Darren
When you start doing 3 to 4 hour flights ; you will notice how keeping
hydrated is, “Essential” to keeping a sharp mind , in order to make good
flying decisions .
Also — you say ya like back-country snow sports ; then you should definitely
check out snow-kiting, (it’a a Blast) and i do it with two fake legs , on skies or snowboard !!!
Google search : snow kiting video .
My take on that :
OK — Ya got some Bad luck here , and a nice juicy thermal, just got triggered
from out of the parking lot, by a passing car ; do what-Ever ya need, to fly around
that thing , and change your strategy, for the next time Ya go flying.
It’s happened to Me , on both the PG and the Rigid-wing ; i feel Way more trapped
when it happens on the PG because i got electric wires , guarding my escape
on the west side . With the HG, i can go East, and figure-8 back when it passes
or land out in the sticks.
Don’t Die, trying to stay within the club rules .
The Bailout , in fount of the Billboard, is a rather Easy landing , (IF) you
have an approach plan ; you must take the time to go walk it in the early am, if ya
want to keep the stress down , the day you need to use it. First time i
walked that landing aria was in 1978 ; Dang, where did the time go ? !!
Really Nice, and well thought-out response , (Jana) ; i’m beginning
to think , your a rather intelligent person !!
I also agree with everything you just said.
I don’t wanna sound, bias, towards HG ; i Also fly PG
SO …
I’ve seen days when the break-down aria for HG’s, is 4 rows
thick ; it cuts the PG landing aria down , by a LOT ! HG pilots
land , and put their gliders in that nice grassy aria ; then just
LEAVE it there for Hours . GURRR !!!! OK so if you don’t wanna
break down your glider ; then why not put it over by the north end
of the parking lot , (where it won’t make landing a PG more difficult) ?
I watched a tandem PG pilot, nearly crash into the 4’th row of parked
gliders one day ; he could’a really used that space, for a way easier landing,
without the unnecessary headache. BTW — that tandem pilot who had
the incident; he’s one of the best flyers , in the club , so YEA , it can happen
to anyone !
For ME , the solution is simple : i can separate the controls to my
spoilers , by adding sliders , and now i have independent control
surfaces, for massive drag , to be used for short field landings ; bin doing that on
the Fledge , with rudders, since 1980 ; so it’s is a kinda simple technique, that i’m
already use to.
Now a rag-wing pilot has No real , (viable) glide ratio control ; if he encounters
lift, on his approach , then there is a decent chance of an over-shoot, and there
is no way around it.
@ Jana Pivkova
I think you should read what, “John Benario” had to say , (again) :
— “The page mentions that because of two pilot to pilot lawsuits the RRG is going to run a loss this year, and warns of long term viability because of suits like these. One of the suits being about”
“ a collision between a kiting glider and a glider coming in to land.
Jana wrote : “Do we then fine hang gliders who can’t land in their own part of the field? Or just paragliders kiting their wing too close to the line” ?
Seriously ? You Really said that ?? You honestly think that kiting a PG
is more important , than a pilot attempting to Land their glider ,(PG or HG) ??
Before you answer ; re-read what John Benario had to say , above.
Do Ya get it now ? Because i believe the usage permit that CSS has
for their club members ability to fly ; i think it’s contingent upon an insurance
policy, being in place ? What are ya gonna do , when it’s gone ? Or maybe
you haven’t thought it ? If something isn’t done promptly ; it is an
accident waiting to happen , and another lawsuit , just waiting to
take the RRG under. I already have a plan in place, if that happens , and i’m
still gonna get to soar gliders legally ; what are you going to do ?