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  • in reply to: Dogsh*t on the LZ #20234

    Only cameras can help stop, and identify the perpetrators ; all dogs at CSS are supposed to be leashed.


    Gene called  me yesterday and asked: “What did I post ; that made Luke so upset” ? According to Gene ; Luke was blaming him for something I had said. Truth is Luke : Until yesterday , I had not spoken to Gene for a few months ; so you were wrong about him being an instigator.

    Here is why I don’t like you sir : The first time I had ever met you we were talking about composites , and I still see the condescending way you were looking at me ; acting like you were all knowing and I was some fool on the subject. Truth is that both  Walter Reed hospital and the new VA facility in Las Vegas, wanted to hire me for my expertise on the subject. I have built my own fake legs, and the lay-up schedule for the ones I’m wearing now and the last pair, were designed by me.  Luke you had no idea that I was taught composites by one of the best engineers that the USA has to offer and the same man had invited me to work on both military and personal projects.

    Please  back off Gene , because he had Nothing to do with the post I made , and the post itself was nowhere near as condescending to you ; as Luke was to me on the day we first met.


    in reply to: Dogsh*t on the LZ #20216

    Never mind ; it’s like talking to the wind …


    in reply to: Bobby Bailey RIP #20194

    Dan wrote :

    For want of a preflight, the life was lost.

    Id like to drive home ; what Dan said .

    In the mid 80’s , I borrowed a Hang glider to go flying, moments before , I’d just given my reserve to a woman to repack . The owner of the glider said he just landed ; the machine was Fine . YEA — I should not have believed him ; the side wire was twisted in the never-kink , and the tang sawed through the SS wire at near 450 AGL. I did a plummet ; I died , and got CPR’d back to life. Trust what Dan said ; being Dead , it ain’t no Fun !!

    Bille Floyd_In_Broken_Genesis_at_TP_4-83

    in reply to: Weatherproof – not bulletproof #20075

    Perhaps the new station would be less vulnerable to gun-fire ; if it was in a more inaccessible place like Cloud ? Put it back where it was ; it’s just gonna get shot at again !


    in reply to: S2 -155 Sold #20034

    The WW , S2 , 155 was my favorite Rag-wing of all time to fly ; it turns like on power steering and centered up in a thermal as easy as a Falcon. If I go back to Rags , from flying Rigids ; that is the glider I would get.


    in reply to: Ziggy ONT #19993

    Jonathan Dietch
    Anyhow, we are probably at far more risk from other free flight pilots!

    An turning opposite directions ? I wonder who was in the thermal first ?

    A large percentage of both PG and HG pilots , who fly at CSS , have no clue about, “thermal etiquette” ; (first guy in determines the circling direction for everyone who enters the thermal after him). So knowing that ; just assume that other guy doesn’t even see you , and ya might live a bit longer … DANG I’ve bailed on a lot of thermals in the past , to go find another one ; because I didn’t like the other pilots , (it’s MY right-of-way) flying attitude, and I’ve never had a midair because of it.


    Screenshot 2024-04-16 7.40.18 AM



    in reply to: CSS Board Election Results #19907

    @ Tom

    That Goat suggestion , came together Fast ! Can you consider staying on as safety officer for CSS now ? Your a Great guy, and CSS kinda needs you …


    in reply to: CSS Board Election Results #19877

    @ Tom

    Do you know Floyd , (he builds and fly’s the Goat) ? Ask him to borrow one for a while ; then you could continue to fly and be the safety director. I’m certain members would help you put it together, and dissemble it for each flight.


    in reply to: FS: Wills Wing Sport 3 170 $SOLD Local Pick-up #19806

    @ Jim

    It’s only about a 6-hour drive , from the Bay area, to CSS ; this would make a perfect reason for you to come visit our wonderful club , and the soaring is probably better here, than where your at , (this time of season) !!!


    in reply to: Thanks For The Grading, Bob! #19801

    @ Jana :

    Yes — I did not read your full post ; before reacting . Sorry !!


    in reply to: Thanks For The Grading, Bob! #19791

    Jana said :

    We are extremely grateful to Bob for helping us out! I was told he’s a fan of Coors Light, if any of you would like to thank him personally. 😉

    I had mentioned  about that being a good idea ; last month.




    in reply to: Thanks For The Grading, Bob! #19779

    Last month , (on the Thread (Board of Directors Nominations)) I posted a suggestion below ; because the club was about to burn a bunch of money renting a tractor. Did someone actually go ask ; or was it just luck that Bob graded the road ?



    February 24, 2024 at 8:34 PM#19669

    Bille FloydGeneral Member
    Linda said :

    The alternate road in is appx 2/10ths mile longer drive to get in. …

    my response :
    It may be possible to pay the gentleman just above and to the North-Northwest of the ranch- house , to grade the Ajax entrance ; it might be cheaper than renting a tractor for a weekend.

    Why would I suggest that your neighbor may be OK with fixing the road for a nominal fee ? Because He did it for free last September ; then asked me , and a few others , what we thought of his work. I got the impression that he was a very Nice guy !!


    in reply to: Tuesday March 5th Flying Report #19731

    That might be your Best video ; Really liked it !!!

    Jonathon , have you checked the back of your arms lately ? I think there may be Bird feathers starting to grow !!


    in reply to: Board of Directors Nominations #19686

    @ Ken

    How would you feel about running for CSS Safety Officer ; You would do a fine job , and most everyone likes you ?


    in reply to: Board of Directors Nominations #19669

    Linda said :

    The alternate road in is appx 2/10ths mile longer drive to get in. …

    It may be possible to pay the gentleman just above and to the North-Northwest of the ranch- house , to grade the Ajax entrance ; it might be cheaper than renting a tractor for a weekend.

    Why would I suggest that your neighbor may be OK with fixing the road for a nominal fee ? Because He did it for free last September ; then asked me , and a few others , what we thought of his work. I got the impression that he was a very Nice guy !!
