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I recall in past years, noms opened in Dec, elections were held in January, and board term began first week of Feb.
Or dont even use the shit in the first place.
Will the poison move up the food chain into raptors and coyotes?
The benefits of chapterhood:
1. A place on a list for Jerome to ponder over.
An in person meeting would be better.
No wire hangers!
If its blowing real hard, you go all the way over the powerlines!
maybe Ed Wiggins can add one of his many FTHI stories
More hype than disaster. Got a foot or so in Crestline.
Found this listing of WX events from the San Diego site. Lots of big events sim to this one.
It would have been in 2011.
If the membership never voted to accept the original agreement, then it was never valid in the first place? Any subsequent extension would also be moot? Can CSS get a refund? Asking for a friend.
The votes from ’18-’20 were to continue for one calendar year, the agreement from 2011.
The revised agreement proposed by ranch in 2017 contained no mention of water in the scope due to it being somehow illegal or against some statute to sell water. I dont know if it is or not, and I’m not going to do the legwork to find out either. If it is, my knowledge of it and choosing to keep it out of the contract in writing while letting its sale continue, makes me complicit in obfuscating that fact had I signed that proposal. So I didnt sign it and elected to continue the previous agreement that DID contain the water in the scope. I also dont think the membership voted to accept the initial agreement in 2011 as I couldnt find any talk of it in the old email yahoo group in that year’s election results thread.
Insurance is just another commodity Jerome.
When you buy groceries you shouldn’t have the cashier telling you how to cook your dinner.
Unfortunate, that it worked out that way.
The board didnt bring to member discussion that it chose another porta potty company either. Far from secret. It was discussed and voted on and passed.
Conducting club business is the job of the elected officers. 8 positions. There is no king.
CSS isnt the only chapter to choose alternate or even no coverage in lieu of RRRG.
I think they forgot who works for whom. The mission statement too, like FFF did.
Long ago there was a theft of a couple unsecured gliders and solar panels from the LZ.
With zero proof, this guy goes and assigns blame on a disgruntled member
stating, “It had to be him”. His explanation was only that he thought this guy had
motive by virtue of him being a disgruntled member. I pointed out that motive in itself doesnt constitute proof by any measure.
I was told a while back that Gene was an acceptable tenant and considered a caretaker
of sorts. Now it turns out thats not accurate and his living there was some sort of code violation.
Im not a county statute enforcer nor a statute sympathizer by any stretch, but seems to me like its
a risk you take if you violate ordinance, petty or not. While back a county inspector shows up
while we were setting up forms for the shade structure. Said he got a call about non permitted construction happening. I could have leveled some accusations and got some drama stirred about snitches and all, but absent proof its nothing but gossip and mudslinging.